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Addressing the critical challenge of water and public health
On March 22, 2016—this year’s World Water Day—the Jarislowsky Foundation announced that it chose Carleton University as the home for a $2M investment to establish a chair in Water and Global Health. With this support,...
Serving others and society: a Carletonian characteristic
To welcome the 2016 winter semester, Carleton University President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Roseann O’Reilly Runte sent a message to students, faculty and staff, which included this sentiment: “Service to others and society is a...
Convocation 2016: “Don’t wait for the end of your career to give back”
Success comes to those that work hard. Be a leader. Bring positive change to your industry and your community. These are just some of the lessons that were imparted to the over 4,300 undergraduate...
Jodi White Scholarship
In recognition of Jodi White’s distinguished career in journalism, public service and volunteer leadership, this scholarship has been created to support students in the Faculty of Public Affairs. Jodi White, is former chief of...
Ravens Racing Achieves Best-Ever Results at International Competition and Becomes Top-Ranked Canadian Team
Here’s an update from Frank Sorenson, Team Lead of the Ravens Racing Team: Carleton University’s Ravens Racing Team finished 13th overall out of 115 teams from ten different countries at the 2016 Formula SAE...
Margaret Bloodworth Scholarship
In recognition of Margaret Bloodworth’s service to Carleton University and to Canada, the Margaret Bloodworth Scholarship has been created to support students in the Indigenous Policy and Administration program. Through Carleton University’s School of...