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Carleton Leaves Imprint on the World After Most Generous Year
Sarah McRae still wears the jewelry she bought in the Massai Community of Tanzania. Although they are stunning pieces, it’s the experience that still takes her breath away, months later. “I was able to...
Join The Crowd: Campus Community Campaign Launches Feb. 2!
On Monday, February 2, Carleton University launched the Campus Community Campaign—an annual initiative to give our faculty, staff and retirees the opportunity to come together and give to the university priority of their choice. Through...
A Thankful Thursday
After a very Giving Tuesday, comes a Thankful Thursday. Some days, you’ll agree, are better than others. We can confidently say that Tuesday, December 2, 2014 – Giving Tuesday – will be remembered as...
Students Want to Solve Everyday Problem
Carleton University students Nishant Bhasin, BEng/14, and Boris Misljencevic, BEng/14, were attracted to engineering for the same reason: they wanted to help people. That’s why the pair—along with two other students—decided to develop an...
Detecting Radon, Saving Lives
According to Health Canada, an estimated 3,000 Canadians die each year from radon exposure. Now, a team of Carleton University students and professors are trying to change that. Alex Ross, BEng/14, first heard of...
Advocating for social justice
Doug Bullock, MSW/83, always knew he wanted to make a difference in the area of social policy. Now, he’s honouring that commitment by ensuring future students of Carleton University’s School of Social Work will...