
The purpose of this fund is to support Ravens Football activities and priorities and contribute to a culture of success within the team over the long term.

Your investment through Ravens Football will help the program thrive by building a long-term endowment fund. This fund will provide stable support for immediate needs, as well as inspiring confidence, teamwork, skills development, and leadership that future players can apply on the field and in their communities and future careers.

In addition to advancing student-athlete success, the Ravens Football fund helps to create an optimal environment for building a competitive, winning team.

“They’re students. We are here to provide the best possible path to success for them, not just on the football field, but in the classroom and in life. We are preparing them for their future.”

 – Corey Grant, Ravens Football Head Coach

The Background

In 2013, Ravens Football returned to campus with tremendous support from Carleton donors, partners and community members.

That was a transformational time in the history of Ravens Football. And over a decade later, we are at a similar moment of reset, revitalization and opportunity. With the arrival of new head coach Corey Grant, we are developing a strong long-term vision for the team that centres on stability for the program, competitiveness that drives interest, attendance and a sense of community, and a culture of success – both on and off the field.

Support from donors and partners helps to build that culture of success by bolstering inclusive, national recruitment efforts for top-tier players, developing a personalized and specialized coaching environment that brings out the best in each player, contributing to academic and career success through the efforts of an athletics academic facilitator, and advancing player health and wellness through the development of a team environment that prioritizes diversity and inclusion, teamwork and connection, and giving back to the community.

The Rollout

The fund will building stability for Ravens Football over the long-term. Through your philanthropy, you can help lay the foundation for a competitive team – supporting annual program activities and empowering the passionate people who are building our field of success today. If you’d like to make a more immediate difference for the upcoming season, please support the active Ravens Football FutureFunder campaign


Through your gift to this fund, you help empower student-athletes with the skills and experiences to thrive at Carleton and in their future careers. You contribute to a culture of success that is both competitive and respectful, showing players how to fiercely fight to win, but also how to gracefully lose. A culture that teaches players the value of hard work, perseverance and teamwork. A culture that inspires students to be leaders on the field and in their communities.

Through their experiences on campus and in the classroom, students find their purpose in life. And through Ravens Football, they develop the skills and confidence to pursue it.