We at CU Esports (formerly Tespa Carleton) are devoted to fostering a community where gaming is celebrated by people of all ages, recognized as a force for good, and used to connect gamers on and off campus. We achieve this goal by hosting high-quality events, building competitive esports teams, and creating opportunities for our members to develop skills and connect with industry professionals. CU esports is not only the largest student run organization at Carleton University, but also the largest esports organization in Ottawa. We are a leader and driving force in Ottawa’s gaming communities, competitive or otherwise.

We are a student-run club, every staff member and competitive player are volunteers. With our incredible group of passionate individuals, we have managed 8 championships in the last year, with 7 of those coming from our VALORANT team last season was ranked #3 in North America and is currently ranked #2 in Canada. Our players across our 15+ competitive teams spanning 7 different games put in many hours every week just to represent Carleton in the games that they love. Aside from competitive programs, we host smaller weekly events both online and in person. The pinnacle of our events is Frostfire, an annual overnight LAN event that draws upwards of 500 competitors, attracting both local and international interest.

By supporting our campaign, funds will go directly to continue the work we’ve been doing over the years. Our competitive teams will receive funds for professional coaches to allow them to compete at the highest of collegiate esports, alongside subsidizing any out-of-town travel for LAN finals and providing our players’ jerseys at no cost to them. Donations will also go to support more in-person events, with equipment and venue costs.

Being able to support our players and members is our #1 priority. Allowing Carleton students a space to find people that play the same games as them and compete in the games they love creates the opportunity to form lifelong friendships. Through our club, we allow hundreds of students every year the chance to compete in high-level collegiate esports. Without collegiate competition, these same students would never have the opportunity to compete in a team environment in the game they are good at as there isn’t the same kind of infrastructure in place for esports as regular sports. We have had players who have gone on to pursue professional competition, alongside players and executives who have used their experience gained through our club to create a career in the esports and gaming industry.