CUAG (Carleton University Art Gallery) is a vital cultural hub on the Carleton University campus, connecting art, ideas and communities. CUAG convenes people to participate in open public exchanges about the ideas shaping contemporary society—ideas given form by the artists who are featured in our exhibition program.

With the generous support of the Stonecroft Foundation for the Arts, CUAG will annually produce a Stonecroft Symposium, from 2018 through 2022. This free public event is linked to and inspired by CUAG’s exhibitions, and engages the Carleton and civic communities in discussions of the timely and relevant ideas they explore.

The Stonecroft Symposium series is anything but traditional. The ambitious symposia are grounded in artists and their work, and variously involve performances, exhibition tours, talkback sessions, dialogues and hands-on activities. They create connections between people of wide-ranging backgrounds and open up ways of learning, being, conversing and acting together—critically, and in public.