Social work is an academic discipline and practice-based profession that aims to promote social change, personal autonomy, enhance over-all wellbeing, and create a sense of social cohesion. While the profession of social work often plays a significant role in supporting communities, it has historically shown a lack of understanding of the issues faced by Black, Indigenous and Racialized communities. In particular, we have seen that social work as a profession has often failed to respond appropriately to issues of racism, anti-Black racism, systemic inequities and colonialism. One significant barrier to addressing the profession’s limitations is that there is an underrepresentation of Black, Indigenous and Racialized social workers.
The aim of this award is to provide some financial relief for Black, Indigenous and Racialized social work students and increase access to social work education for members of these communities who have been systemically oppressed. The goal is to celebrate and empower Black, Indigenous and Racialized social work students in attaining their social work degrees so that they can then bring their unique experiences and valuable perspectives to their work with Black, Indigenous and Racialized (and other) communities.
This award will be available annually to Black, Indigenous and Racialized undergraduate students in their first year of the Social Work program. Recipients must demonstrate financial need and a dedication to promoting social justice and social change within BIPOC communities.