Carleton’s School of Journalism’s Class of ’88 began as a group of ambitious, enthusiastic young people who brought a range of perspectives to our school. Sometimes we even believed we could change the world on deadline. Although some time has passed since graduating, we still share the collective mission to help change the world.

With this bursary, the Class of ’88 aims to help alleviate the financial barriers of a deserving student in their second-year of the School of Journalism’s undergraduate program.

Our ever-expanding media landscape needs a steady stream of fresh perspectives that challenge the status quo and push the profession we were all drawn to in new and innovative ways. We are seeking to establish this award to support a deserving student whose life experiences can make a positive impact on what stories are told, and how.

We recognize that mainstream media certainly needs to do better at reflecting contemporary Canada, and so do many other Canadian professions and industries. We hope that the recipients each year will help to address these issues, and perhaps change the world through storytelling.