This internship would allow one outstanding biology student to work in the lab of a leading researcher on real scientific issues. It is an extraordinary opportunity for undergraduate scientists, that wouldn’t exist without external support. Working alongside biology researchers, this 2nd or 3rd year undergraduate student will engage in controlled experiments, analyze data, discuss results and may contribute to the publication of the results.
For many, the chance to connect with actual research scientists and receive face-to-face feedback is the highlight of their education and solidifies their intention to pursue careers in this field. During this intensive research internship, the biology student will obtain real-world knowledge. Undergraduate research experience like this cannot be taught in a lecture theatre and for many students, it’s their first hands-on experience with research.
Without upper year students being eligible for government funded undergraduate research internships (USRA’s), Laura Thomas Summer Research Internship in Biology will be key to enhancing their research experience.
Bio on Laura Thomas:
The Carleton University community was saddened to learn of the death of Laura Thomas, Senior Administrator in the Department of Biology in May 2019.
Laura became part of the Carleton community as a student and completed a Master of Arts in Anthropology in 2000. As an employee, she shared her talents with other departments across campus, and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs before joining the Department of Biology in 2009.
Quickly becoming an integral part of the Department of Biology, she worked tirelessly behind the scenes for the benefit of students, faculty and staff. Her friendship, knowledge, and commitment brought the whole department closer together. Laura was a passionate supporter of students, and she expressed a wish before she passed away to establish a fund that would assist biology students.
The Laura Thomas Summer Research Internship in Biology is being established to commemorate Laura and honour her desire to support students.