Awarded annually to deserving students entering or proceeding from one year to another in the Bachelor of Engineering program. Preference will be for a female student. Recipients will demonstrate financial need, must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada (landed immigrants or a protected persons), and must meet OSAP’s Ontario residency requirements. Endowed in 2010 by friends, family and colleagues, in memory of Katie Hadley BEng/03.

Katherine Hadley was born in Brockville,Ontario, Canada. From a family of modest means, Katie worked very hard and was determined to succeed in life, as evidenced by her achievements in sports, valedictorian at high school, and having many part-time jobs to support her university costs. After graduating as an Environmental Engineer from Carleton in 2003, she started work with Franz Environmental Inc. based in Ottawa, Ontario.

Katie worked tirelessly on environmental and engineering projects, from site visits at remote arctic communities, environmental site assessment work along the Canol Trail, NWT, to preparing policy guidance for various federal and provincial government departments. Her work for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada included environmental investigations at embassies in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, South America and Asia. Katie’s positive attitude, enthusiasm, hard work and attention to  detail made her a top class engineer. Her thoughtfulness and honesty made her a great friend and colleague.

On a routine business trip to do an environmental site assessment for the Canadian Embassy in Haiti on January 12, 2010, Katie perished in the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti on that unfortunate day. Katie was 30 years old.