In 2014 the first group of students taking part in the Buckets to Rainbarrels project travelled to Longido, a rural village in Longido, Tanzania, which faces water-related challenges. Our project has become a multidisciplinary and collaborative initiative led by community members in Longido and students from Industrial Design, Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Food Sciences, and Business to address issues including health, agriculture, waste management, children’s recreation infrastructure, and more.

Our student projects have won numerous awards, including 6 Acido Rocket awards, 2 Aga Khan fellowships, The Enactus Scotiabank Climate Challenge Best Idea award, a Red Dot award, Dubai Design Week best projects, the NIBS David Gillingham award, the Carleton Provost’s Scholar Award, and more.

Donations to this campaign will enable students to take their projects forward by funding field work that includes on-the-ground prototype development and testing. Students will gain skills in cross-cultural communication, international development, and community engagement.

Funds will be used for on-the-ground costs for an intensive two week field trip to Tanzania, including:

  • Transportation
  • Accommodations
  • Drivers
  • Local guides

Students will be staying in the guest house of our NGO partner in the district. Your support will also help with prototype modification and testing, market data acquisition, patent searches, and related material costs to take our innovations to reality.

These projects support Carleton’s commitment to community engagement, and will result in lasting benefits for our partner community.