When Fareed Arasteh arrived to Carleton University from his home country of Iran, he was driven by the positive impact that he could make in the world. Established in honour of Fareed’s benevolence and passion to make a difference, the Fareed Arasteh Memorial Graduate Scholarship was endowed in 2022 in his loving memory. While he was a PhD candidate in Biology, Fareed tragically lost his life on January 8, 2020 when Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 was shot down minutes after taking off from Tehran, Iran.

The Fareed Arasteh Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Biology will be awarded annually by the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Biology to an outstanding graduate student entering or continuing in a Master’s or PhD program in Biology. This scholarship will ensure Fareed’s dreams can live on by inspiring future generations of graduate students.

He carried the spirit of a relentless champion, driven by a dream of a more radiant world. His unwavering determination was entirely devoted to the quest for a cancer cure. His empathy for humanity was profound, and he passionately sought to widen the avenues for everyone’s dreams to blossom.

Education and the pursuit of wisdom held a cherished spot in his heart. It saddened him deeply to witness the constrained access and limited opportunities for higher education that countless individuals endured. He was an unwavering scholar, dedicating uncountable hours to the laboratory, and his boundless enthusiasm for scientific exploration was infectious. His perspective on the world of science was nothing short of extraordinary.

Ashkan Golshani—Fareed’s PhD supervisor and friend—recounted memories of Fareed as he said, “He was here for less than five months, but during this time, he made such an impact on everyone. He was very gentle and soft-spoken, but he had an energy for life and was very excited to be starting this new chapter of his life.”

The Fareed Arasteh Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Biology is an opportunity for those touched by Fareed’s influence to come together and fulfill a part of his lifelong aspirations to leave a positive mark in the world.

“It is incredibly meaningful for the Faculty of Science to continue Fareed’s legacy by offering the Fareed Arasteh Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Biology in recognition of his compassion for others and commitment to higher education,” said Maria DeRosa, Dean of the Faculty of Science at Carleton University. “Fareed left a powerful imprint on the lives of so many, and we hope this helps recipients fulfill their aspirations in his memory.”

He had an immense aversion to injustice, but his life was tragically snatched away in the most heart-wrenching and brutal manner imaginable.

May the flame of his mission burn on, embraced by another gifted and deeply passionate soul, as we hold onto the hope and dedication he brought to his cause.