(Mike Brklacich, Champion and lead donor)

Graduate students from the Global South are transforming our world. Through their Masters and Doctoral research, FASS’s international students pursue compelling projects like enhancing the leadership potential of young women with disabilities in southeast Asia, improving the livelihoods of women engaged in artisanal mining throughout central Africa, and enhancing rural livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa in an era of global change.

“Culturally and intellectually diverse cohorts enrich FASS’s worldviews and better prepare our graduates to be global citizens.  This scholarship represents an important contribution to this growing priority for FASS.” – Dr. Anne Bowker, Interim Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

This Scholarship, endowed in 2023, enhances graduate program access for students from the Global South, which includes lower and lower-middle-income countries as identified by IDRC and the World Bank. Thanks to the more than 60 individuals who helped establish the FASS Global South Graduate Scholarship, future students will be better equipped to follow their passions, and to become the next generation of engaged citizens who will address the important social and cultural issues of our time.

Commencing during the 2024-25 academic year, the FASS Global South Graduate Scholarship will be awarded annually to an outstanding international graduate student from the Global South who is entering or continuing in a full-time graduate degree program within the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and who is conducting research into transformative societal or cultural issues. It is anticipated this endowed Scholarship will yield an annual Award of $2,000.  Future gifts will allow us to enhance support for the most promising graduate students from the Global South

Established and championed by Mike Brklacich, who retired from Carleton in January 2022, this award is inspired by his extensive and continuing career in interdisciplinary research and his passion for collaborating with graduate students, researchers, research institutions, and NGOs throughout the Global South.