The Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre (CDCC) expands the university’s community presence with a beautiful venue in the heart of the city. The arts, performance and learning centre includes an 850-seat main hall, numerous rehearsal rooms, classrooms and meeting spaces, as well as a garden. Tens of thousands of guests visit the building yearly to participate in rich and meaningful events hosted by the university and community in a historic heritage building.

CDCC’s activities are been made possible by the generosity of donors who believe in the power of arts and culture to strengthen our communities and social fabric. A gift to the centre is an unparalleled opportunity to support higher education and the greater arts community.

Priority Needs Fund

Gifts to the Priority Needs Fund will support CDCC’s immediate needs as well as long-term planning. Examples of projects the fund supports:

  • Student Experience. Students interested in music, drama, public history, architecture and many other disciplines have unique learning opportunities thanks to CDCC. Gifts to the priority needs fund allow Carleton to offer meaningful experiential learning opportunities, work placements, and help support special student internships and research positions at the centre.
  • Instruments and Equipment. Various large instruments — pianos, a harpsicord and a practice carillon — reside at the centre. There is a special Friends of the Pipe Organ Fund to support the care and preservation of the centre’s 5,179-pipe Casavant pipe organ. Gifts to CDCC play a significant role in Carleton’s mission to provide students with access to quality teaching and learning opportunities, ensuring they are equipped with the tools they need to develop skills in their specific area of study.
  • Building Renovations. Many capital projects underway revitalize spaces and outfit them with modern equipment, while retaining the building’s historical and heritage characteristics. Donor support has allowed CDCC to install a new sprung floor movement studio, create an audio editing suite for students, extend the main hall stage that can now accommodate a full orchestra and choir, and install new door operators to increase accessibility, and more