The Writers-in-Residence Initiative contributes to the Department’s programming in Creative Writing as well as our wider commitment to literature as a decolonial practice. Aware of the role that educational institutions have played in perpetuating systemic racism in all its forms, Writers-in-Residence affirm our commitment to freedom of expression and peaceful conflict resolution. Our current Writers-in-Residence are Kamal Riahi and Nadia Masri.
About the Department of English
Our undergraduate English programs include traditional and cutting-edge components designed to ensure a solid foundation in a range of literary periods, genres, and national/global traditions. The Department also offers specialized degree options: a Concentration in Creative Writing, a Co-op option, and a Specialization in Global Literatures within the Bachelor of Global and International Studies (BGInS).
The English Department has offered graduate instruction at the Master’s level since 1960 and at the doctoral level since 2006. Our MA program offers specializations in African Studies, Climate Change, and Digital Humanities. Our PhD program in the Production of Literature is unique in Canada for its innovative conjoining of book history with theoretical questions about the sociology of literary production, circulation, and consumption.