The David Dean Public History Fund will support the internationalization of student experiences and professionalization. David’s support, mentorship, and promotion of student research and learning is reflected in the enduring affection and respect that his students hold for him even decades after working with him as a supervisor, instructor, examiner, or advisor. At the same time, David is a founding figure for the International Federation of Public History and in making a globally-recognized and celebrated contribution to the field’s growth, David has always told Carleton’s story, and especially that of its students. David has been the central figure in growing public history at Carleton to becoming both a national and international model for training students, innovating practice, and remaining steadfast in its ethical commitments. This fund will therefore represent David’s legacy at Carleton, in Ottawa, and also across the globe.
This fund will support current students travelling either outside of Canada or within Canada for purposes of research and professionalization. It is very much about the future of the past, about the next generations of public historians who, like David Dean, strive to enrich the communities within which and often for which they do their work. It will make possible unique learning experiences for Carleton students to bring home and apply to problems and opportunities in the Ottawa Capital Region and the country more broadly. In doing so, this fund will also support the establishment of stronger relationships across national boundaries, connecting the local work of Carleton students to the best practices, organizations, and professional networks around the world.