For the past 20 years, Carleton University Debate and Speech (CUDS) has established a legacy as one of the most inclusive and competitive debate societies in the country, routinely beating institutions like Harvard, Yale and Oxford. In addition, CUDS consistently achieves success by making it to out-rounds at and even winning major national and international competitions, including the World Universities Debating Championships. Whilst maintaining competitiveness, CUDS is one of the only clubs in North America that is highly inclusive as the club prides itself on making debate accessible to all by covering costs to compete at debate tournaments near and far. These costs include registration fees, accommodation expenses and transportation expenses. CUDS strives to be as accessible as possible as we want to ensure every person, regardless of their socio-economic conditions, is able to develop key public speaking and analytical skills. These skills benefit members tremendously with regard to personal, academic and professional success. Many of our proud CUDS alumni have used the skills they learned at debate to craft incredible careers.

In order to maintain the legacy of the club and ensure that accessibility and competitiveness remain at the forefront, we need support!  Contributions to this fund give CUDS the opportunity to take students a step closer towards building their skills, winning debates, winning tournaments, becoming champions and crafting bright futures.

For more information, please visit us at: