2SLGBTQ+ Community Access and Inclusion Fund
50th Anniversary Scholarship in Canadian Studies
50th Anniversary Social Work Bursary
A. Andras Memorial Award
A. Andras Memorial Bursary
A.B. Larose Memorial Bursary
Abel Mengistab Memorial Scholarship
Abraham and Mary Shaffer Bursary
Accessibility for the Disabled Fund
Accessible Autonomous Vehicle (AAV) Fund
Addelman-Semple Resource Centre
Adjeleian Allen Rubeli Prize
Adrian D. C. Chan Award for Volunteer and Community Service
Adrian Sheppard Memorial Scholarship in Film Studies
AEE Canada East Founders Scholarship
Africa and African Diaspora Essay Prize
African Student Assistance Bursary
Afshan Dar-Brodeur Scholarship for Excellence in Economics
Agnes J. Godard & Hector H. Perrier Memorial Bursary
Agnes M. Ireland Bursary
Agnes Wilkins and Marcel Carisse Bursary
Ahmed Ali Hashi Human Rights Scholarship
Akbar Mashaie Scholarship
Al Donaldson Award in Precambrian Geology
Alan George Maryan Bursary
Alan Oddy Scholarship for Mechanical Engineering
Alan Stuart Knight Memorial Bursary
Albert Banner Memorial Scholarship
Alberta Chartered Accountants Scholarship
Alexander Dayton Bursary
Alexandra Munroe Fund
Alfred and Annie Chan Bursary in Engineering
Alfred and Annie Chan Scholarship
Alfred and Isabel Bader Student Travel Awards
Alfred J. Wise Scholarship
Alfred Lansdell Memorial Bursary
Alice & Edward Armstrong Bursary in Business
Alice Ann and Evelyn Thelma Merrifield Bursary
Alice E. Wilson F.R.S.C. Scholarship
Alison Hardy Memorial Bursary
Alistair Hensler Bursary
Allama Mohammad Iqbal Award
Allan Buchanan Graduate Scholarships
Allan Buchanan Undergraduate Scholarships
Allan Douglas Dow Miller Scholarship
Allen B. Clarke and Dennis Forcese CIE Access Endowment Fund
Allen B. Clarke and Dennis P. Forcese Award for Academic Excellence
Alois Raffler Bursary
Alterna Bank Scholarship
Alterna Savings Scholarship
Alternative Spring Break Program
Alumni Mentors Program Fund
Alumnus Environmental Studies Scholarship
Alumnus Graduate Scholarships in Geography and Environmental Studies
AMBCANADA-PAFSO Deborah Chatsis Indigenous Scholarship in International Affairs
Ameer Jinah Memorial Award
Amitava Bose Memorial Scholarship
Ana Cristina Planas Warren Memorial Scholarship
Andrew Little Memorial Scholarship
Andrew McIntosh Award in Investigative Enterprise
Andrew S. Haydon Scholarship
Angela Tong Memorial Award
Anglin Scholarship for Zambian Students
Anil Bhartia Award in International Business
Anil Mital Undergraduate Bursary for Entrepreneurship
Anita Garbarino Girard Fund for Research Internships in Health Sciences
Ann and Bernie MacIsaac Engineering Scholarship
Ann and Bernie MacIsaac Fund
Anna and Jonathan Ferrabee Bursary
Anna O’Reilly Bursary in Women’s and Gender Studies
Anne Donaldson Memorial Scholarship
Anne Kingston Memorial Fund
Anne-Marie Dallaire-Sarazen Scholarship
Annette Verschuren Endowment Fund
Annie Fraser Roy Scholarships
Anthony Whitehead Memorial Scholarship
AOC-MLC Graduate Scholarship
APT Preservation Engineering – Timber Bridge Competition
APTI Preservation Engineering Design-Build Competition
Aramark Athletic Scholarship
Archery Competitve Club
Architecture Directed Studies Abroad Award
Architecture Outreach and Public Engagement Fund
Architecture Studio Fund
Arctic Fishery Alliance Fund
Ardeth Wood Memorial Award
Arielle Keyes-Oliver Memorial Bursary
Arnold Bradley Scholarship in Geology
Arnold C. Bradley Scholarship in Chemistry
Arnold Earl Bursary
Arnold Smith Royal Commonwealth Society Scholarship
Art & Architectural History Student Experience Fund
Arthur J. Carty Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Studies
Arthur Kroeger College Alumni Bursary
Arthur Kroeger Memorial Scholarship
Arthurs Scholarships
Athletics Student Bursary
Atkinson Charitable Foundation Bursary
Audrey and Franklin McAllum Bursary
Auto-Carto Six Scholarship
Autonomous Spacecraft Robotics (DOT) Fund
Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism Community Bursary
Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism Director’s Fund
B. J. Jarosz Bursary
B. Myron Rusk Memorial Lecture Fund
Bachelor of Humanities Travel Course
Bank of Montreal Bursaries
Banks-Chavis Family Bursary
Baobab Collaborative Arts Fund at Carleton University
Barb Higgins Memorial Fund
Barbara A. Humphreys Memorial Scholarship in Architecture
Barbara Clark Scholarship in Music
Barbara D. and Ernest C. Smith Memorial Award
Barbara McInnes Scholarship in Philanthropy
Barbara Newbegin Scholarship in Music
Barbara Newbegin Scholarship in STEM
Barbara Sudall Book Prize
Barbara Wells Bursary
Barbie Ross Memorial Award
Barclay Taylor Hazelton Bursary in Science
Barrett-Fleming Fund
Barrett/Fleming Community Involvement Awards
Barry C. Scott/Canadian Pacific Railway Scholarship
Basketball Student Bursary
Baxter Family Award
Beatrice Stauffer Memorial Bursary
Beattie-Haines Graduate Scholarship in English
Beattie-Haines Undergraduate Scholarship in English
Beechwood Cemetery Prize
Bela Egyed Bursary in Philosophy
Bell Canada/Ottawa Senators Bursary
Benevolence Award for MPNL
Benjamin M. Schlussel Supply Chain Scholarship
Berke Scholarship in Chemistry
Bernard Pagurek and Murray Woodside Scholarship
Bert and Mona Patterson Bursary
Bertha F. Davis Award in Religion
Bertoli-Inkster Scholarship in Classical Piano
Bettina Oppenheimer Memorial Scholarship in Music
Betty Nesbitt Memorial Award in Biology
Betty Weiss Memorial Award
Beverly Krugel Scholarship
BGIS Entrance Bursary in Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering
Bhanu Vishnubhatla Memorial Bursary
Bhargava Family Scholarship
Biindigen Bursary
Bijit Bora Graduate Prize in Economics
Bill & June Joe Scholarship in Business Administration
Bill & Marion Clark Memorial Scholarship
Bill and Irene McEwen Scholarship
Bill and June Joe Bursary
Bill and Margery Sinclair Scholarship
Bill Bayley Fund
Bill Fox Student Experience Fund
Bill Fraser Memorial Bursary
Bill Hersh Memorial Graduate Scholarship
Bill McWhinney Memorial Scholarship for International Development and Journalism
Bill Rodgers Memorial Scholarship
Bimaadiziwin Fund
Board of Governors Graduate Student Bursaries
Bob Eccles Memorial Award
Bob Farquharson Memorial Award in Journalism
Bonneville Family Scholarship in Botany
Bonneville Family Travel Bursary in Biology
Book Arts Lab Apprenticeship Fund
Brenda Sutherland Fund for NPSIA Students
Brian Ahearn Bursary
Brian and Anne Berry Bursary in Accounting
Brian and Elizabeth Haworth Bursary
Brian Irvine Bursary
Brian MacIntosh Bursary in Social Work
Brianne Marie Deschamps Memorial Bursary
Brooke Forbes Award for Internships in the Field of Audio Production
Bruce Doyle Bursary in Engineering
Bruce Fletcher Attridge Graduate Bursary in Neuroscience
Bruce Ingram Memorial Bursary
Bruce McFarlane Bursary
Bruce Olmsted Memorial Bursary
Brystra Scholarship in Technology, Society and Environmental Studies
Budh Singh and Kashmir Kaur Dhahan Lectureship for the Canada-India Centre in Science, Technology, Trade and Policy
Building 22 Fund
Burton M. Heward Scholarship in Creative Writing
Buss Family Scholarship for Children of Carleton University Alumnus
Butterfly Show
C. Lloyd Stanford Graduate Award
C. Mervyn Beckstead Scholarship in Public Administration
C.A.M.P.S. Bursary
C.R. Thompson Bursary
C.T. Hobin Bursaries
C.V. Hotson Memorial Scholarship
Campus Community Campaign Bursary
Canada Life Award in Business
Canada-China Friendship Award
Canada-China Friendship Bursary for Ontario Students
Canada-India Centre for Excellence in Science, Technology, Trade and Policy Endowment Fund
Canadian Bank Note Engineering Scholarship
Canadian Council of the Blind Ontario Bursary
Canadian Federation of University Women National 100th Anniversary Scholarship
Canadian Federation of University Women – Ottawa Bursary
Canadian Standards Association Pat Keindel Graduate Scholarship in Climate Change
Canadian Women in Philanthropy Initiative Fund
Canute Lloyd Stanford Award in English Literature and the Arts
Capstone Design Project Fund
Capstone Fellowship Program Fund
Captus Press Award for Introductory Law Courses
Carl Amberg Fund for International Students
Carl Gillis Memorial Award
Carleton Accessible Innovation Fund
Carleton Artistic Swimming Club Fund
Carleton Calgary Alumni Award
Carleton Climate Commons Fund
Carleton Concrete Canoe Team Fund
Carleton Conservation Collective Fund
Carleton Conspiracy Band
Carleton Curling Competitive Club
Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Priorities Fund
Carleton School of Social Work University of Hargeisa Fund
Carleton Therapy Dogs Fund
Carleton University 75th Anniversary Scholarships
Carleton University Alumni Association Leadership Award
Carleton University Alumni Association Scholarship
Carleton University Alumni Athletics Bursary
Carleton University Art Gallery Endowment
Carleton University Athletic Therapy Clinic Fund
Carleton University Choir
Carleton University Crash Dummy Fund
Carleton University Debate and Speech Fund
Carleton University Faculty Wives Association Bursary
Carleton University Fine Arts Award
Carleton University Nursing Priority Needs Fund
Carleton University Ravens Football
Carleton University Research Fund
Carleton University Simulator Project Fund
Carleton University Students’ Association, Inc. Awards
Carleton University Troitsky Bridge Fund
Carleton’s Engineers without Borders Fund
Carlisle Hanson Award in Human Rights
Carman and Gail Joynt Accounting Bursary
Carol Fleck Scholarship
Carol Lutes Racine Scholarship in Journalism and Communication
Carol Shields Scholarship
Carol-Ann Tetrault Sirsly Memorial Scholarship in Business
Carole Campbell Book Bursary
Carolyn Ruth MacLeod Scholarship for Innovation in Computer Accessibility
Carty Chair in Business Journalism
Catherine Jane Lees Memorial Award
Catherine Van Loon Health and Counselling Fund
CBET Bursary
CBET Bursary for Indigenous Students
Celia Ruygrok Memorial Scholarship
Centre for Hindu Studies
Centre for Initiatives in Education
Centre for Initiatives in Education Bursary
Centre for Studies in Poverty and Social Justice
Centre for the Study of Islam Fund
Centre for Women in Politics and Public Leadership
Certificate for Conflict Resolution Coaches and Mentors Fund
Chan Ky Yut Scholarship in Engineering
Changemaker Challenge Fund
Charles and Helen Pattenson Scholarships
Charles Anthony Blundell Betts Mem Scholarship in Physics
Charles Douglas Ogilvie Scholarship
Charles Gordon Lectures on Society and Design
Charles Haines Memorial Prize
Charles Lazarus Scholarship in Journalism
Charles Marston Shaver Bursary in Electrical Engineering
Charles Nixon Travel Bursary in Human Geography and Environmental Studies
Charles Watters Memorial Fund
Charlie Roots Honours Project Fund in Earth Sciences
Charlotte Whitton Memorial Fellowship
Cheerleading Competitive Club (CU Cheer)
Chelsea Club Bursary
Chet Mitchell Memorial Award in Law and Legal Studies
Chicken and Boots Bursary
Chipworks Award
Chipworks/Rebekah Proud Memorial Award
Chloe Graf Memorial Scholarship
Chris and Donna Carruthers Research Internship in Health Sciences
Chris H. Braeuel Bursary in Global and International Studies
Chris Mohl and Leslie Geran Bursary
Christine Lynds Memorial Bursary
Christine Van Loon Memorial Scholarship
Christoph Lehmann-Halens Memorial Scholarship
Christopher Powell Carpe Diem Bursary
CIBC Bursaries
CIE – ESP Mentoring Program
Ciena Endowment Fund in Memory of James Frodsham
Civil and Environmental Engineering Student Experience Fund
Clark S. Bolliger Scholarship
Class of 2004 Bursary
Class of 2005 Bursary
Class of 2006 Bursary
Class of 2007 Bursary
Class of 2008 Bursary
Claude Brunelle Memorial Scholarship
Claude Edwards Bursary
Claudia Persi Haines Scholarship
Clayton H. Riddell Awards in Political Management
Clayton H. Riddell Political Management Endowment Fund
Clio Graduate History Scholarship
Cognitive Science Graduate Scholarship
Cognitive Science Undergraduate Scholarship
Colette Osborne Scholarship
Collections Fund for MacOdrum Library
College of the Humanities Cultural Program
College of the Humanities Endowment
Colonel William B. Sutherland Bursary
Commander Royal Canadian Navy Scholarship
Commerce Class of 65 Eric Sprott Award
Communications Law Prize
Concrete Toboggan Race Fund – Team Carleton
Condair Ltd. Award in Mechanical Engineering
Conley-Seguin Enriched Support Program Bursary
Connor Boyd Memorial Scholarship
Connor, Clark & Lunn Management Ltd. Graduate Scholarship for Women in Finance
Connor, Clark & Lunn Management Ltd. Undergraduate Award for Women in Finance
Copley Fund for Indigenous Education
CORA Rick Brooks World Ringette Championship Scholarship
Corvus Publication Fund
Costco Bursary in Business
Costco Scholarship in Supply Chain Management
Coulson Memorial Scholarship
Council of Turkish Canadians Travel Bursary
Cripps-Murphy Memorial Scholarship
Cristine Rotenberg Scholarship for Academic and Creative Pursuits
CSME/Davis Engineering Ltd. Bursary
CTV Chair in Science Journalism
CTV Scholarship in Broadcast Journalism
CU-AstroBubble: Ionizing Radiation Sensor Fund
CU-WISE (Carleton University Women In Science and Engineering)
CUASA Bursary
CUASA Business Agent’s Bursary
CUASA Scholarship
CUASA – Bill Jones Award
CUPE 2424 Bursary
Cynthia and Yves Bled Bursary in European Studies
Cynthia and Yves Bled Scholarship in European Studies
Cyril G. Rodrigues Bursary in Earth Sciences
Cyril G. Rodrigues Scholarship in Probability and Statistics
Cyril M. Leeder Prize in Urban Design
D. Roy Campbell Scholarship
D.F. McKechnie Bursary in Accounting
D.P. Wilgar Memorial Award in English
Dale L. Sheehan Award
Daniel Alfredsson Scholarship in Mental Health
Daniel James Frazer Memorial Bursary
Daniel Van Vliet Bursary
Dante Laurenzio Memorial Scholarship
Darin Wagner Scholarship in Earth Sciences
Daughters of the American Revolution Bytown Chapter History Award
David A. Thomas Scholarship in Computer Science
David and Rebecca Zelikovitz Scholarship
David Barkway Memorial Scholarship
David C. Coll Scholarship in Computer Systems Engineering
David Cray BIB Bursary
David Crisp Scholarship
David Dean Public History Fund
David Farr Travel Award
David Golden Democratic Development Scholarship
David J. Bellamy Memorial Scholarship
David J. Walkey Memorial Bursary
David K. Bernhardt Award in Psychology
David K. Bernhardt Scholarship in Psychology
David Manouchehri Scholarship in Cyber Security
David Muir Scholarship in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
David Russell Memorial Scholarship
David Whellams Scholarship in Creative Writing
Davidson A. Dunton Memorial Student Assistance Fund
Dayv James-French Memorial Fund
Dayv James-French Memorial Fund
Dean of Science Summer Research Internships
Dean’s Priority Fund in Science
Deborah Holmes Bursary
Deborah S. Winter Scholarship
Deepika Mital Bursary
Delhi Exchange Initiative in Philosophy
Delphi Group Graduate Scholarship in Environment and Sustainable Development Public Policy and Entrepreneurship
Delroy Paulhus Scholarship
Dennis Bueckert Memorial Scholarship in Environmental Journalism
Department of Art History
Department of Athletics
Department of Biology
Department of Chemistry
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Bursary
Department of Economics
Department of Electronics
Department of English
Department of English Writers-in-Residence Initiative
Department of Environmental Science Bursary – Wiles Prizes
Department of Film Studies
Department of French
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Department of Health Sciences
Department of History
Department of History Graduate Student Bursary
Department of Law and Legal Studies Fund
Department of Law and Legal Studies Transformation Scholarship
Department of Music
Department of Neuroscience
Department of Philosophy
Department of Physics
Department of Physics Endowment Fund
Department of Political Science
Department of Psychology
Department of Religion
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Department of Sociology and Anthropology Graduate Student Bursary for Ontario Students
Derbyshire Enriched Support Program Bursary
Derbyshire Graduate Scholarship in Cognitive Science
Derek Mackie Bursary in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Derek Rymerson Memorial Scholarship
Design and Engineering Dungeons and Dragons Club
Desmond Geoffrey Carty Bursary
Determination Bursaries
Dewan Chand & Ratna Devi Marwah Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics and Statistics
Dharam Singh Perhar Bursary
Diana Nemiroff Publishing Endowment Fund
Diane King Stuemer Award
Dianne Parsonage Scholarship in Carillon and Celtic Instrument Studies
Dick Abbott Memorial Bursary
Dick and Ruth Bell Chair for the Study of Canadian Parliamentary Democracy
Dick Dillon Memorial Scholarship
Dick, Ruth and Judy Bell Lecture Fund
Digital Humanities Graduate Student Society Fund
Director of the School of Computer Science Award
Directors of the Institute of Political Economy Awards
Director’s Award in Biochemistry
Director’s Fund for Cultural Mediations
DiSabato Scholarship in Law and Legal Studies
Dobbie Regional Entrance Scholarship
Don McGillivray Memorial Bursary in Journalism
Don Reid Memorial Scholarship
Don Wilton Campbell Memorial Scholarship
Donald Andrews Scholarship
Donald Beecher Graduate Scholarship in English Literary Studies
Donald K. Johnson Award in Philanthropy
Donald Patrick Collins Memorial Bursary
Donald R. Wiles Entrance Scholarship in Science
Donald R. Wiles Graduate Scholarship in Chemistry
Donald R. Wiles Prize for Laboratory Demonstrators
Donald R. Wiles Scholarship in Chemistry
Donald R. Wiles Scholarship in Environmental Science
Donald R. Yeomans Bursary
Donald Strange Scholarship in Physics
Donald William Buchanan Scholarships and Bursaries
Donna Coghill Scholarship
Donna Sleeth School of Social Work Field Program Fund
Dora Wainwright Scholarships and Bursaries
Dorothy Jane Wright Memorial Bursary
Dorothy Powell Scholarship
Doug and Ollie Bullock Memorial Bursary
Douglas Arthur de Pencier Leadership Bursaries
Douglas Fullerton Award in Urban Studies
Douglas Fullerton Graduate Award in Urban Studies
Douglas J. and Anna Wurtele Bursary in Medieval Studies
Douglas K. Dale Scholarship in Statistics
Douglas Millar Scholarship
DPI Award in Information Technology
Dr. A. O. Abd El Halim Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Abul Sharah Graduate Bursary in Engineering
Dr. C. Stewart Parsons Scholarship in Engineering
Dr. Doug King Bursary
Dr. Frederick William Charles Mohr Scholarships Fund
Dr. George A. Jeletzky Memorial Scholarship
Dr. George O. M. Yee Scholarship in Engineering
Dr. George O. M. Yee Scholarship in Mathematics
Dr. Glen Toner Scholarship
Dr. Harry Katznelson Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Iain Ogle Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Ian Prattis Scholarship for Indigenous, Black and Racialized Students
Dr. John Adjeleian Graduate Scholarship
Dr. John Adjeleian Undergraduate Scholarship
Dr. John Davis Burton Memorial Award
Dr. Jordan Page Harshman Bursary
Dr. Kanta Marwah Economics Initiatives Fund
Dr. Keith U. Ingold Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Kenneth Bush Bursary in Peace and Conflict Studies
Dr. Kenneth D. McRae Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship
Dr. Lois Rosine and Dr. Don Bent Award in Psychology
Dr. Lois Rosine and Dr. Don Bent Award in Science
Dr. M. Ralfe Berke Award in Chemistry
Dr. M.K. Sundaresan Memorial Scholarship in Physics
Dr. Marc Andrew Hewson Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Martin Rudner Memorial Scholarship in Intelligence and Security
Dr. Michael and Patricia Rorke Bursary
Dr. Miles Copeland Scholarship in Electronics
Dr. Paul Mandl Bursary
Dr. Reginald T. Elworthy Award in Chemistry
Dr. Robert Hiscott Graduate Scholarship in Sociology
Dr. Robert Hiscott Scholarship in Sociology
Dr. Roger Kaye Memorial Bursary
Dr. Roger Kaye Memorial Undergraduate Bursary
Dr. Roseann O’Reilly Runte Entrance Award in Music
Dr. Roseann O’Reilly Runte Graduate Scholarship in MPPA-IPA
Dr. Ruth Bell Scholarship
Dr. Shakir Sheikh Scholarship in Biochemistry
Dr. Ted Edwards Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Ted Hannah ESP Bursary
Dr. Tessa Hebb Graduate Award in Social Innovation
Dr. Thomas Betz Memorial Award
Dr. Thomas H. Mitchell Scholarship
Dr. Tom Tombaugh Memorial Scholarship in Psychology
Dr. Walter and Mary Chudobiak Entrepreneurship Award in Electrical Engineering
Dr. Wayne Boone Memorial Scholarship
Dr. William Smith and Gertrude Ellen Hunter Award in English
Dr. Zuzana Pick Graduate Scholarship in Film Studies
Drama Studies Fund
Duncan M. Anderson Memorial Bursary
Duncan R. Watt Scholarship in Athletics
Dupont Canada Bursary
Dylan McCarthy Memorial Fund – Dylan’s Dreams
E. Alison Flood Award in Physical Chemistry
E. Bower Carty Bursaries Fund
E.B. Semaan Scholarship
E.P. Hincks Memorial Scholarship in Physics
Earl B. Connell Foundation Scholarship
Earth Sciences Fund
Earth Sciences Geoheritage Park and Geological Time Trail Project
Economics Scholarship
Economics Student Experience Fund
Ed Ireland Bursary Endowment
Ed Ireland Community Service Award for Varsity Athletes
Ed Ireland Scholarship for Football and Women’s Rugby
Ed Ireland Scholarship for Leadership Excellence in a CIS Varsity Sports Program
Eddy and Harriette Huang and Daughters Bursary
Edgar & Dorothy Davidson Travel Bursary in Religious Studies
Edgar and Dorothy Davidson Bursary in Religious Studies
Edith Moore Bursary
Edward Godfrey Carty Bursary
Edward Osei-Kwadwo Prempeh Memorial Scholarship
Edward T. Pryor Bursary
Edwin West Memorial Scholarship
Efficiency Canada
Eileen Cox Graduate Scholarship in Public Administration
El-Aggan Family Muslim Community Award
Eldon Kaye Memorial Scholarship
Electrical Engineering Fund
Elinor Burwell Scholarship in Psychology
Elizabeth Hope Bursary in Music
Elizabeth Paulette-Coughlin and Peter Coughlin Scholarship in Journalism
Elizabeth Walker and Dianne Dervis Bursary
Elizabeth Wilson Memorial Bursary
Elizabeth Witt Bursaries for Art and Culture
Elizabeth Witt Bursaries for Athletics
Elizabeth Witt Bursaries for Comparative Literature
EllisDon Varsity Athlete Scholarship in Engineering and Design
Emdash – Comms for Good Bursary
Emergency Essentials Assistance Program Support Fund
Emma Johnson Bursary
Emmett Dunne Scholarships
Emmett Patrick Murphy Memorial Scholarship
Empower the Next Generation of Transportation Policy Analysts Fund
Endowed Student Emergency Fund
Engelsman-Gold Family Scholarship
Engineering Design Centre Sustainability Fund
Engineering Institute of Canada Award
Engineering ’63 and ’64 Scholarship
Engineering ’63 and ’64 Scholarship
Engineering ’65 and ’66 Scholarship
Engineers’ Wives Association Bursary
Enid Redman Scholarship
Enriched Support Program Scholarship Funds, Centre for Initiatives in Education
Entrepreneurial Resilience Prize
Epoiesen: A Journal for Creative Engagement in History and Archaeology
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Fund
Eric Sigurdson Award
Eric Sprott School of Business Endowment
Ernie Zoppa Excellence Fund
Esha and Jaiden Mital Bursary
ESP Student Emergency Fund
Espial Scholarship in Computer Science
Esterline CMC Electronics Bursary in Electrical Engineering
Esterline CMC Electronics Scholarship
Euphemia Bell Bursary
European, Russian and Eurasian Studies Bursary-EURUS
Eva Cray Scholarship
Eva Doran and Elizabeth McHenry Memorial Scholarship
Eve Elman Memorial Scholarship
Eve Frankel Kassirer Memorial Scholarship
Evelyn Aldridge Bursary
Evelyn and Earl Langill Bursary
Evelyn Maud McCorkell Graduate Scholarship in Social Work
Evelyn Maud McCorkell Undergraduate Bursary in Social Work
Excellence in Golf Fund
F. K. North Award in Earth Sciences
F. Luella Barrigar Scholarships and Bursaries
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Global South Graduate Scholarship
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Endowment
Faculty of Engineering and Design
Faculty of Engineering and Design Bursary
Faculty of Engineering and Design Endowment
Faculty of Public Affairs Dean’s Endowment
Faculty of Science Bursary
Faculty of Science Graduate Students’ Basketball Analytics Internships
Faculty Tribute Fund – Department of Electronics
Fahmida Rafi Bursary
Fareed Arasteh Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Biology
Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals Education Foundation Award in Architecture
Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals Scholarships
Fencing Excellence Fund
Field Hockey Excellence Fund
Figure Skating Competitive Club
Firoz Ahmed Bursary
First Avenue Scholarship
First Lake Solutions Award in Political Management
FITA: From Intention To Action
Fitzroy Township Historical Society Scholarship
Florence Dunlop Scholarship
Fluorosense Inc. Scholarship in Chemistry
Forum Lecture Series Endowment Fund
Foyston, Gordon & Payne Scholarship
FPA Student International Experience Fund
Francis C.C. Lynch Scholarships
Franco De Santis Bursary for the School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Frank Dabbs Scholarship
Frank H. Underhill Art Gallery Endowment
Frank H. Underhill Graduate Scholarship in History
Frank H. Underhill Graduate Travel Bursary
Frank Mathison Firth Scholarship in History
Frank Ratcliffe Memorial Bursary
Frank Stone Memorial Prize
Frank Vallee Memorial Scholarship in Anthropology
Fraser Holmes Memorial Scholarship
Frazer F. Steele Bursary
Fred Barkley Special Bursary
Fred Cinkant Bursary in Engineering
Fred J. McEvoy Bursary
Frederick Gault Bursary
Frederick Gregson Bolton Memorial Bursary
Frederick William Baldwin Scholarship
Friends of Art History Fund
Friends of Art History Graduate Award for Art History
Friends of Art History Undergraduate Award for Art History
Friends of Greek and Roman Studies Fund
Friends of the Carleton Centre for the Study of Islam
Friends of the National Arts Centre Orchestra Award (FNACO) for Students in Music
Fund For Good
Future of Journalism – Emerging Reporter Fund
Future of Journalism – Initiative Fund
Future of Journalism – Journalist-in-Residence
G. Bruce Doern Graduate Award
G. Ross Love Memorial Scholarship
G. Stuart Adam Graduate Award in Journalism
Gabriel Warshaw Memorial Scholarship
Gabrielle Pell Memorial Scholarship in Industrial Design
Gaia Power’s Samit Sharma International Affairs Scholarship
Gaia Power’s Samit Sharma Journalism Scholarship
Gaia Power’s Samit Sharma Public Policy Scholarship
Gail Blake Golf Scholarship
Gail Carty Memorial Bursary in Social Work
Gail Garland / OBIO Bursary in Science
Garay Family Endowment for Accessibility Research and Excellence
Garrett Elsey Memorial Award
Gary S. Duck Graduate Scholarship in Photonics, Mathematics and Physics for Ontario Students
Gary S. Duck Scholarships in Science
Gary Sealey Friends of Lambda Award
Gavin Scott Macfarlane Memorial Scholarship
Gender & Sexuality Resource Centre Fund
General Motors of Canada Limited Scholarship
Genevieve Mallon Hazelton Bursary in Arts & Social Sciences
Geoff Wightman Award in Chemistry
Geoffrey Pearson Travel Bursary
George Edgerton and Nellie Erskin Cox Scholarships
George Garth Graham Undergraduate Digital History Fellowship
George J. Klein Memorial Scholarship
George Joseph Cooper Entrance Scholarship
George Lynn Memorial Scholarship
George Mark Pitsicoulis Memorial Scholarship
George Mulligan Memorial Scholarship
George R. Carmody Graduate Student Travel Award
George R. Carmody Seminar in Biology
Gerald Buchanan Bursary in Science
Gerhard Dittman Bursary
German Department Scholarship
Gertrude Neuwirth & Zbigniew A. Jordan Graduate Scholarship
Gil Sutton Award for Excellence
Gilles Memorial Award for ‘Form-giving’
Gilles Paquet Scholarship in Economics
Giovani Caboto Bursary
Giovanna Panico Memorial Bursary
Gladie McQueen CIE Bursary
Glengarry House Prize
Glenn Drover Memorial Bursary
Golder Associates Award
Goldie Wilkinson Scholarship
Gordon and Isabelle Luther Memorial Bursary
Gordon and Kennon Donovan Bursary
Gordon J. Wood Memorial Graduate Scholarships in English
Gordon J. Wood Memorial Scholarship in English
Gordon Robertson National Inuit Scholarships
Gordon Shields Memorial Scholarship in Building Engineering
Gouhar Shemdin Award in Built Heritage Conservation
Grace and Ken Johnston Bursary
Grace E. Maynard Bursary
Graduate Award for Research in Dementia
Graduate Award in Political Reporting
Graduate Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Graduate Scholarship in Neuroscience
Graduate Scholarship in Northern Research
Grant Andrew Dzuba Scholarship in English
Granville Biomedical Scholarship for Women in Industrial Design
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Scholarships in Political Management
Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race (GNCTR) Fund
Greg and Paula Farrell Scholarship
Greg and Rio Bursary
Gregory Carpenter Memorial Scholarship
Gulzar Haider School of Architecture Award
Gunther and Irmgard Bauer Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Gunther and Irmgard Bauer Scholarship in Environmental Engineering
Guru Nanak Bursary in Engineering
Guru Nanak Bursary in the College of Humanities
Guze and Ganna Cini Bursary
H. Bruce Gordon Scholarship in Business
H. Edward (Ted) and Katharine English Memorial Scholarship
H.H. Hall Graduate Scholarship in Architecture
H.H.J. Nesbitt Memorial Scholarship in Biology
Hamlin Bursary for the Centre for Initiatives in Education
Hamlin Graduate Bursary
Hamlin Graduate Fellowship
Harbans Kaur Shoker Bursary
Harmer Family Award for Academic Excellence
Harold A. Morrison Fellowship
Harold Bernstein Memorial Award in Physical Chemistry
Harold Crabtree Foundation Award
Harold Lithwick Memorial Bursary
Harriet and Eugene Forsey Graduate Scholarship
Harriet Emma Empey Memorial Scholarship
Harry Reid Cox B.SC., Ph.D., F.G.A Award
Harry S. Southam Scholarship
Hawley Black Scholarship
Haydn Scholarship in Music
Health and Counselling Services
Health Science Research Internships
Hear Our Voices: Holocaust Survivors Share their Stories of Trauma and Hate Fund
Hearts of Freedom Fund
Heather and Ross Hamlin Bursaries
Heather Lewis Scholarship in Humanities
Helen and Joe Connolly Bursary for Ontario Students
Helen Levine Bursary
Helen Mary Kiss Memorial Bursary
Helen Nininger Scholarship in Music
Helena and Jerzy Boraks Graduate Travel Bursary
Helena Borges Bursary
Helga H. Schirmer Scholarship in Mathematics
Helmut Kallmann Chair for Music in Canada
Helmut Kallmann Graduate Scholarship in Canadian Music
Hendrika Alice Eisen Memorial Fund
Henri and Jacques Gervais Memorial Bursary
Henrietta Lacks Scholarship in Biology
Henry Campbell Scholarships
Henry Standerwick Brown Scholarship in Canadian Studies
Herbert I. Wolf Award
Heritage Symposium for the School of Canadian Studies
Herman and Zelda Roodman Award in Journalism
Hibiscus Millennium Project Bursary
High Performance Athletes’ Fund
High Performance House Capstone Endowment Fund
Hilda Irene Lieff Memorial Bursary
History Administrators Anniversary Scholarship
Hobbs/Weber Bursary in Business
Hobin Architecture Awards
HODI Award in Built Heritage Conservation
Hollis Peirce Bursary for Students with Disabilities
Honourable Cairine Wilson Bursary
Honourable Walter Baker Memorial Scholarship in Political Science
HOPE Scholarship for Refugee Women
Housing and Residence Life Bursary
Housing Support Service Pilot Project Fund
Huawei/TELUS Fund for Outreach and 4th year projects
Hubert Travers Scholarships and Bursaries
Hughes’ Family Scholarship
Hume Wrong Scholarship
Hunsdeep Singh Rangar Undergraduate Clubs and Societies Room Fund
Huntley Schaller Memorial Scholarship in Economic Research
Husky Injection Molding Systems Ltd. Bursary in Mechanical Engineering
Hybrid Formula SAE 4th Year Project
Ian H. Griffith Memorial Scholarship
Ian Kelley Memorial Bursary
IAS Study Abroad Courses Fund
IBM Entrance Scholarship in Computer Science
IEEE Canadian Foundation Scholarship
Ildi Munro Scholarship
Imam Tawfiq Shaheen Memorial Scholarship
In Honour of the Victims of Flight 752 Fund
Ina Hutchison Award in Geography
Ina Hutchison Memorial Bursary in Geography
India’s Rich Heritage Studies Scholarship
Indigenous and Metis Student Award in Support of Environmental Studies
Indigenous Enriched Support Program (IESP) School Mentoring Fund
Indigenous Initiatives Fund
Indigenous Policy and Administration Bursary
Indigenous Recruitment and Student Success Fund
Indigenous Residence Bursary
Indigenous Student Emergency Fund
Indira Gandhi Memorial Fellowships
Infrastructure Protection and International Security Project
Innovation Hub Fund
Inspec-Sol Award in Civil Engineering
Institute for African Studies Priority Fund
Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies Fund
Instrument Restoration Fund
International Bridge Builder Scholarship
International Diplomat’s Ball Bursary
International House Award
International Student Bursary
International Student Emergency Fund in Memory of Rodrigo Pereira
International Terrorism: Attributes of Terrorist Events Fund
Internship for Black, Indigenous and Racialized Students at the Mary Ann Shadd Cary Centre for Journalism and Belonging Fund
Investors Group High Performance Athlete Scholarship
IODE Laurentian Chapter Duchess of Connaught Scholarship
IODE Laurentian Chapter Mary C. Grant Bursary
IODE Lord Dundonald Giselle Lazure Memorial Award
Irene Ethel Cockburn Bursary
Irene Gertrude Stitt Scholarship
Irwin Gillespie Award in Economics
Isabella Ellen Taylor Memorial Bursary Fund
Isis Minerva Officer Community Service Scholarship
Isotti Family Bursary
J-Source Journalism Project
J. Carlisle Hanson Scholarship
J. Carlisle Hanson Scholarship in Reporting
J. David Greenough Memorial Scholarship in Journalism
J. Graham MacDonald Memorial Bursary
J. James Mackie Endowment for Graduate Scholarship in Human-Technology Interaction
J. Lambert & Helena Arlington Britt Memorial Scholarship
J. Lansing Rudd Scholarships and Bursaries
J. Peter Johnson Prize
J.W. McConnell Family Foundation Award Fund in Philanthropy
J.Y. and E.W. Wong Research Award
Jack and Nancy White Bursary
Jack Barwick & Douglas Duncan Mem Scholarship Art History
Jack Barwick and Douglas Duncan Mem Scholarship for Music
Jack F. and Elizabeth A. Fleming Scholarship
Jackson Family Scholarship in Community Engagement
Jacob Siskind Music Resource Centre Fund
Jacques and Helene Sabourin Memorial Scholarship
Jacques Bonneau Family Scholarship in Leadership
Jaimie Anderson Scholarships
James H. Rattray Bursary
James and Heather Steele Bursary
James and Jane Fraser Roy Scholarships
James M. Holmes Entrance Scholarship in Chemistry
James Nichols Memorial Bursary in Music
James Nolan Memorial Award
James Terence Rogers Memorial Scholarship
James W. Strutt Memorial Award in Geometric Form & Function
Jamie Corbet Memorial Award
Jane Burk Scholarship in Health Sciences
Jane Courtemanche Bursary
Jane Louise Hare Memorial Fund
Janet E. G. Conger Graduate Bursary in Social Work
Janet Holmes Memorial Scholarship
Janice Elliott Student Service Bursary
Jasbir Singh Hanspal Memorial Scholarship in Engineering
Jasna Sonicki CAPSA Memorial Bursary
Jason Hlaing Memorial Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering
Jay Nordenstrom Volunteer Award
Jayashree A. Nagpur Memorial Bursary
Jayne Peak CU Award
JDCC Sprott Team
Jean A. Loates Bursary
Jean and Richard Van Loon Award of Excellence
Jean and Richard Van Loon Spirit Award
Jeannette Matthey Memorial Scholarship
Jefferson C. Francis Memorial Scholarship
Jeffrey MacLean Bursary
Jeffrey O. Palmer Award
Jennie Shibley Cramm and W.H. Cramm Scholarships
Jesse Rottenberg Award in Latin Studies
Jessie and Wreford Watson Award
Jim des Rivières Award for Teaching Innovation and Excellence Fund
JoAnna Townsend Bursary in International Business
Joanna Townsend Scholarship in International Business
Jocelyn Maynard Scholarship in History
Jodi White Scholarship
Joe Friday and Grant Jameson Contemporary Art Fund at CUAG
Joe Scanlon Reporting Fund
Johannes and Clasina van den Ham Bursary
John and Carol Strong Book Prize
John Bird Memorial Scholarship in Journalism
John E. Bird Scholarships
John E. Ruddy Bursary
John Gordon Urquhart Bursary
John Gordon Watters and Family Bursary
John Joynt, B.Eng 1963 Bursary
John Kealey Engineering Education Award
John Lyndhurst Kingston Bursary
John Lyndhurst Kingston Memorial Scholarship
John McManus Memorial Bursary in Economics
John Neilson Memorial Scholarship
John Osborne FASS Student Travel Fund
John P. Braaksma Transportation Engineering Scholarship
John P. Dowell / General Electric Company Bursary in Mechanical Engineering
John Porter Graduate Bursaries
John Porter Lecture Endowment
John Porter Memorial Scholarship for Sociology/Anthropology
John R. Pugh Scholarship
John Rainford Fund in Health, Risk and Science Communication
John Ruch Memorial Bursary in Canadian Studies
John Ruddy Architecture Scholarship
John Ruddy Endowment Fund for Football
John Ruptash Memorial Fellowship
John Teuscher Memorial Scholarship
John W. ApSimon Graduate Student Award in Chemistry
John Wickett Award
Joint Chair in Women’s Studies Endowment
Jonathan Davis Memorial Scholarship
Jonathan Stout Cunningham Award of Excellence in Information Systems
Jonathan Stout Cunningham Award of Excellence in International Business
Jonathan Stout Cunningham Award of Excellence in Securities Finance
Joni Sadler Memorial Bursary
Jordan Siberry Criminal Justice Scholarship
Josef Dlouhy Memorial Scholarship in Chemistry
Joseph and Yvonne Bulger Scholarship in Engineering
Joseph Haché Bursary
Joseph Haché Scholarship
Joseph MacDonald Memorial Scholarships
Joseph Patrick Anthony Philips Memorial Scholarship
Joubin-Selig Scholarships & Bursaries in International Affairs
Journalism Award for Indigenous, Black and Racialized Students
Journalism Internships with Canada Press Freedom Project
Journalism Student Experience Travel Fund
Journalism Writing Style Book Award
Joyce Beare-Rogers Scholarship in Biochemistry
Joyce Beverly Krugel Scholarship
Judith Johansen Memorial Award
Julie Bycraft Memorial Bursary
Julie Bycraft Memorial Scholarship
Julie Rechel Memorial Bursary
Julius Lukasiewicz Award in Technology, Society and Environment Studies
K. Garry Rasmussen Scholarship
K. Phyllis Wilson Scholarship in Journalism
K. Sethu Raman Endowment for Field Education in Earth Sciences
Kamra Family Scholarship in Innovation
Kanta Chand Bhatia and Indu Gambhir Bursary
Kanta Marwah Research Grant in Peace and Security
Karen Birchard Memorial Scholarship in Science Journalism
Karl S. Bernhardt Scholarship in Psychology
Karl Schnalzer Memorial Scholarship in Engineering
Kashmir Kaur Dhahan Bursary
Katherine Graham Lecture in Indigenous Policy Endowment
Katherine J. Hadley Memorial Bursary
Kathleen Faulkner and Marc Jolicoeur Environmental Engineering Bursary
Kathy and Steve Loo Scholarship
KCT Bursary
Keith and Dorothy Sjögren Philanthropy Award
Kelly Family Award for Indigenous Students
Ken Stein Memorial Bursary for Public Policy and Administration
Kenneth F. Smith Memorial Award in Journalism
Kenneth Konstanty Macewicz Memorial Scholarship
Kenneth M. Molson Foundation Endowment
Kenneth R. Wilson Memorial Award for Journalism Graduates
Kerry-Ann Lindo Memorial Award
Kesterton Endowment Fund in Journalism
Kevin Sampson Graduate Scholarship in Cognitive Science
Key Biomarkers in Polar Bear Blood Fund
KGHM International Ltd. Scholarship
Khayyam Zev Paltiel Doctoral Dissertation Prize
Kilbank and Inch Memorial Scholarship
Kildonan Bursary in Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Kinaxis Scholarship for Students in Computer Science
Kinaxis Scholarship for Students in Systems and Computer Engineering
King McShane Award in Civil Liberties
Kiwanis Club of Nepean Bursary
Kiwanis Club of Ottawa Medical Foundation & Dr. Marwah Scholarship in Medical Physics
Know History Graduate Scholarship for Indigenous Students
Kochar Family Scholarship
Koningstein Scholarship for Excellence in Science and Engineering
Koningstein Scholarship for Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering
KPMG Award in Business Technology
KPMG Award in Sustainable Accounting
KPMG Black Student Award
KPMG Bursary
KPMG Excellence Award in Accounting
KPMG Indigenous Student Award
KPMG Scholarship
Krishnakumar Gopalan Memorial Award
Krishnan Suthanthiran and Richard Kind Scholarship
Kroeger College Endowment Fund
Krystyna Rudko Scholarship in Political Management
Kyle and Monica Mital Scholarship in Finance and Accounting
Kyle Nash Memorial Scholarship
L. Lehtiniemi Graduate Award in Sociology
L. Robert Morris Scholarship in Film Studies
L.N. Wadlin Scholarship in Mathematics
L.S. (Larry) Schwartz Bursary in Electrical Engineering
Lakshman Murthy Nagpur Memorial Bursary
Landen Dominic Burnett Memorial Award
Landon Pearson Resource Centre Endowment
Lank Family Bursary
Larry A. Didow Bursary
Larry McDonald Visiting Theatre Directorship
Laura Thomas Summer Research Internship in Biology
Laurel Society Leadership Award
Lawrence Segal Memorial Fund
Leacross Foundation Bursaries
Leadership Institute for Women in Mining, Science and Technology
Lee Valley Entrance Scholarship
Leonard Librande Scholarship
Lester B. Pearson Scholarships
Lew Stelmach Memorial Scholarship
Library Work Pod Fund
Lilian I. Found Award for Poetry
Lillian Fallis Bursary
Lillian Fallis Scholarship
Linda Lizotte-MacPherson Scholarship
Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Fund
Lisa Ralph Bursary
Liv-Ellen Lockeberg Memorial Bursary
Lois Gonyer Bursary in Canadian Studies
Lorna Daisy Young Scholarship in English
Lorna Hahn Bursary
Lorraine Cinkant Bursaries in Science
Lorraine Dyke Beneficiary Fund
Luc Bourbonnais Teaching Innovation and Excellence Fund for Contract Instructors
Luigi Mion Scholarship in Engineering
Lydia Dotto Emerging Reporter Fund
Lynn Campbell Award in Business Law
Lynne Bond Memorial Bursary for Students with Disabilities
Lynne Young ALDS Graduate Award
Maatje Nix Memorial Graduate Entrance Scholarship
Mabel Grace Gilroy Shaver Bursary in Economics
Mach-Gaensslen Foundation Commemorative Graduate Prize in Neuroscience
Mach-Gaensslen Foundation Scholarship in Health Sciences
MacOdrum Library Endowment
Madeleine Goyette Memorial Bursary
Madill and Ellis Scholarship
Mahatma Gandhi Lecture on Peace and Humanities
Mahmoud Family (Samy and Maha) Bursary
Maker Fund: Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism
Making a Difference Awards
Malcolm Butler Award in Science
Manan Shah Memorial Scholarship
Manimaran Kanagasabapathy Memorial Bursary
Manimaran Kanagasabapathy Memorial Scholarship
Manjit and Ronnie Claire Award
Manulife Financial Political Management Scholarships
Marc C. Gauthier Award in Innovative Technologies
March Networks Scholarship
Marco Frascari Prize in Architecture
Margaret and John Hope Scholarship in Engineering
Margaret and Robert MacLellan Bursary
Margaret Anne (Nan) Griffiths Memorial Fund
Margaret Biehn Walker Summer Fellowship
Margaret E. and Frank G. Speakman Scholarship
Margaret McIrvine Scholarship
Margaret Wade Labarge Graduate Student Research Assistance
Maria Neil Scholarship
Mariano Colonnese Memorial Bursary
Marie Carter Memorial Scholarship
Marie Odette Gabrielle Clay Memorial Award
Marilyn Grant Bursary
Marion Gibbons Memorial Bursary
Marisa Ann Golini Memorial Scholarship in Journalism
Marjorie Carol Shaver-Jones Bursary in Global and International Studies
Marjorie Lilian Ward Bursary for the CIE
Marjorie Nichols Memorial Award
Mark O’Dea Earth Sciences Mapping Award
Mark Valcour Memorial Scholarship
Marketing Research and Intelligence Association Scholarship
Marriott Bursary
Marston LaFrance Memorial Award in English
Martha Camfield Memorial Bursary
Martha Hazel Coughlin Memorial Bursary
Martin Bergmann Memorial Award for Research in the Arctic
Martin Newland Award in News Reporting
Mary Haines Bursary in Mathematics
Mary Janigan and Tom Kierans Scholarship in Journalism
Mary McGuire Journalism Internship Travel Fund
Mary McKillican Memorial Bursary
Mary-Elizabeth Lynch & Helen R. Boucher Memorial Bursary
Master of Architecture Thesis Research Fellowship Project
Masters of Philanthropy & Nonprofit Leadership Program-MPNL
Mathew Nelson Memorial Scholarship
Matthew Johnston Memorial Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering
Matthew Karlinsky Memorial Bursary
Matthew Sekeres Scholarship in Journalism
Matthew Yeager Critical Criminology Award
Maureen Anne (nee Carson) and Guljee (Mustansir Billah) Ismaily Scholarship
Maureen O’Neil Award in Women’s Studies
Maurice Chacron Sr. Scholarship
Maurice Frederick Carty Bursary
Maurice Moreau Student Equity Fund
Maurice Price Foundation Award
Maurice Price Foundation Scholarship
Maurice Price Foundation Summer Research Internships
Maurice Price Foundation Travel Bursary
Max & Tessie Zelikovitz Centre for Jewish Studies
Maxwell Taylor Scholarship
Maya Prasad and Vidya Mathur Memorial Scholarship
McCully Lecture in Plant Biology Fund
McGlynn Family Scholarship
McGregor Bursary
McGregor Easson Scholarship
McKechnie Family Scholarship
McKeen Metro Glebe Scholarship
McKinley Memento Mori Bursary
McKinven / Brown Art Gallery Fund
McMartin Memorial Lectures
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Bursary
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Fund
Mental Illness in Youth Research Fund
Men’s Baseball Competitive Club
Men’s Basketball Excellence Fund
Men’s Hockey Excellence Fund
Men’s Lacrosse Competitive Club
Men’s Rugby Competitive Team Fund
Men’s Ultimate Competitive Club
Men’s Varsity Hockey Endowment
Men’s Varsity Soccer Bursary
Men’s Water Polo Excellence Fund
Mercy Neal Southam Entrance Scholarships
Merkley-Haight Award
Michael and Krista Prochazka Industrial Design Bursary
Michael DiCola Bursary
Michael Elmarson Memorial Award
Michael Hare Memorial Fellowship
Michael Russell Coote Memorial Award
Michael Thompson Scholarship in English
Michael Timonin Bursary in Biology
Michel Gaulin Travel Bursary in the Humanities
Migration and Diaspora Studies Experiential Learning Fund
Migration to New Worlds Fund
Millennium Gold Corporation Bursary
Milly Armour Memorial Bursary in Chemistry
Miloslav and Drahomira Kalab Graduate Scholarship
Mindtrust Leadership Development Program
Minôjitonigewin Scholarship
Mir Ali Foundation Scholarship
Mitch Jacobson Memorial Award in Photo-Journalism
Modern Turkish Studies Initiative
Mohamed Khalid Elhalees Bursary
Mohawk Nation Education Bursary
Molecular Recognition & Inclusion Scholarship
Monisha Gunalan Memorial Scholarship in Engineering
Monsanto Scholarship at Kroeger College
Morley E. Wilson Scholarship
Motoshi Asano Memorial Scholarship in Chemistry
MPM Program and Activity Fund
MPNL Alumni Award
MPNL Award for Black Emerging Fundraising Professionals
Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Mital Scholarship of Chandigarh, Punjab
Mukhtyar Family Bursary
Municipal Retirees Organization Ontario Scholarship for the Study of Aging in Place
Munro Beattie Lecture Series
Muriel Foulger Art History Student Travel Bursary
Murray and Murray Prize
Murray Goldblatt Master of Journalism Scholarship
Murray Goldblatt Memorial Prize in Labour Relations
Murray Goldblatt Memorial Scholarship in Journalism
Music Endowment Fund
Métis Nation of Ontario Bursary
N.P.S.I.A. Alumni Association Foreign Student Bursary
Naida Belle Waite Graduate Scholarships
Naida Belle Waite Undergraduate Scholarships
Namanan Guhanathan Memorial Bursary
Nancy and Jack White Scholarship
Nancy Jamieson Scholarship for Women in Progressive Politics
Naomi Cook Scholarship Fund
Naomi Rayner Scholarship
Natalie Luckyj Scholarship Fund to Support the Study of Women in Canadian Art and Culture
Nathan and Sara Zelikovitz Award
Nathan Braham Bursary
National Capital Heavy Construction Association Sewer and Watermain Bursary
Neelin Memorial Bursary in Arts
Neelin Memorial Bursary in Science
Neil Huckvale Memorial Scholarship
Nello Bortolotti Scholarship
Nemer Family Scholarship
Neuroscience EDI Award
New Sun Conference Fund
New Sun Disabled Student Bursary
New Sun Graduate Bursaries
New Sun Joy Maclaren Adaptive Technology Centre
New Sun, New Beginnings Bursary
Nicholas C. Scolozzi Scholarship in Architecture
Nicholas Leroux Memorial Bursary
Nicholas P. Spanos Memorial Award in Psychology
Nicol Building Fund
Nicol Entrepreneurial Institute
Nordic Skiing Excellence Fund
Norman E. Cameron/West Ottawa Rotary Club Scholarship
Norman Hillmer Doctoral Scholarship in History
Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
Norman Pollock Memorial Award for Latin American Studies
Northern Infrastructure Permafrost Fund
Northern Nomad Capstone Design Project
Not-for-Profit Leadership Bursaries
OAA Awards for Exceptional Leadership Through Design Excellence: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and Truth& Reconciliation
Odette Condemine Scholarship in French Canadian Literature
ODUG Scholarship in Computer Science
Odyssey Graduate Travel Award in Art History
Omar Khayyam Scholarship
Omar Mahmoud Memorial Scholarship
Ontario Association of Architects Awards
Ontario Public Works Association (OPWA) Ottawa Branch Scholarship
Ontario Trust for Student Support Bursary
Ormond M. Stitt Bursary Fund
OSO and School of Music Fund
Ottawa Citizens’ War Services Committee Bursary
Ottawa Film Society Scholarship for Film Studies
Ottawa Superfluity Shop Bursaries
Ottawa Women’s Canadian Club Scholarships
Padmavati Gupta Engineering Bursary
Pamela Jean Paterson Bursary in Journalism
PANL Perspectives Fund
Parameswaran Family Scholarship in Electrical Engineering
Parliamentary and Diplomatic Engagement Fund
Pat DiNardo Memorial Scholarship for Football
Pat Finn Graduate Scholarship
Pat Finn Undergraduate Scholarship
Pat Liston Commemorative Bursary
Pat O’Brien Memorial Scholarship
Patricia Allen Memorial Fund Scholarships
Patricia Larmonth Memorial Bursary
Patrick Purcell Award
Paul and Liba Straznicky Scholarship
Paul Correy Memorial Scholarship
Paul Kitchen Memorial Scholarship
Paul Menton Memorial Bursary
Paul R. Beesack Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics
Pauline Jewett Awards
Pauline Jewett Inst of Women’s & Gender Studies Scholarship
Pauline Jewett Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies
Pavel Kalab Graduate Scholarship
Peanut Allergy Project Fund
Peer Academic Learning Centre
Peeter Kruus Memorial Scholarship
Pella Windows and Doors Prize for Architecture
Petar and Katica Petrunic Bursary
Peter and Judith Foulger Bursary for Engineering Physics
Peter Bee-Deh Yuan Bursary
Peter Browne Memorial Scholarship
Peter Buckley Scholarship in Journalism
Peter Gerard Harris Memorial Award
Peter J. Ricketts Outstanding Provost Scholars Award
Peter Leo Emerging Reporter Fund
Peter M. Cleveland Leadership Award
Peter Reilly Scholarship
Peter Stursberg Award in Conflict Journalism and Media Studies
Peter Stursberg Foreign Correspondents Lecture
Peter Watson Prize for the Communication of Physics
Phil Boland Memorial Scholarship
Philip Nutt Student Experience Fund
Philip Schneider Bursary
Philip Schneider Scholarship
Philip Uren Memorial Fellowships
Phillips Busary
Philosophy Colloquium Series Endowment Fund
Phyllis Cameron Urquhart Memorial Bursary
Phyllis Mary Putt Bursary
Phyllis Wilson Award in Journalism
Pius Adesanmi Memorial Fund
Pivotree Scholarship for Women in Computer Science
Plastinates Fund
Please Select a fund
Porteous Family Graduate Scholarship in International Political Economy
Porteous Family Student Experience Fund in International Studies
Postwar Japanese Art History Fund
President’s Alternative Spring Break Award
President’s Fund
Prince Memorial Achievement Awards
Professor Ata Khan Sustainable Transportation Graduate Scholarship
Professor Carl Jacobsen Peace Prize
Professor H.I.H. Saravanamuttoo Scholarship in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Professor J.K. (Keith) Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Professor Jagmohan Humar Graduate Student Fellowship for Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor James M. Holmes Scholarship in Chemistry
Professor Patrick Selvadurai Undergraduate Scholarship in Civil Engineering
Professor Robert Fleming Memorial Scholarship
Professor T. Joseph Scanlon Basketball Award for Academic Excellence
Professor T.N. Brewis Scholarship in Applied Economics
Programma Ponte Travel Bursary
Public Policy & Administration 50th Anniversary Scholarship
Purvins Memorial Award
Puttaswamaiah Family Scholarship
Quantifying Bird Window Collisions Fund
R. A. MacKay Award in Political Science
R. A. MacKay Memorial Fund
R. D. Richmond Scholarship in Aerospace Engineering
R. James Travers Foreign Corresponding Fellowship
R.A. Beamish Bursary
R.D. Richmond Travel Bursary in Aerospace Engineering
R.L. McDougall Award in English
R.L. Rosenberg Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics
R.L.N. Vijayanagar Memorial Bursary
R.O. MacFarlane Memorial Award
Rachael Elizabeth Edwards Memorial Award
Rachel Carson Scholarship
Rafie and Zahra Moghadam Bursary
Rajesh Ahluwalia Memorial Scholarship
Ram Partap Singh Nayar Bursary
Randall Geehan Memorial Scholarship in Quantitative Economics
Randell Stanton Memorial Book Prize
Rankin International Student Scholarship
Ravens Athletics Award
Ravens Dance Pak
Ravens Rhythm Fund
Ravens Student-Athlete Medical Emergency Fund
Ravens Supporting Ravens Bursary
Ravens Women’s Ultimate Club Fund
Rawlson King and Linda Grussani Scholarship for Indigenous, Black and Racialized Students
Rea, Robert and Norm Paterson Bursary
READ Initiative
Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich Bursary
Reece Scofield Memorial Bursary
Reesa Greenberg Digital Initiatives Fund
Reesa Greenberg Exhibition Studies Award
Renaissance Scholarship for Science Students
Renato Galliani Scholarship in French
Reporting in Indigenous Communities Course
Resource Futures International Scholarship in Environmental Governance
Respect Rx Pharmacy Perseverance Bursary
Retired Accounting Professor Scholarship
Rev. Dr. Bernard J. O’Connor Scholarship
Rhea Mital Scholarship in Small Business Management
Rhoda Barrett Memorial Scholarship
Rianta Scholarship in Electronics
Richard and Lorraine Kind Bursary
Richard Glover Memorial Fund
Richard J. Semple Memorial Award in Mathematics
Richard J. Van Loon Graduate Award in Political Science
Richard J. Van Loon Scholarship
Richard Lewar Graduate Scholarships
Richard Lewar Scholarships
Richard Lussier Bursary
Richard M. Zubrycki Bursary
Richard R. Snell Memorial Award in Journalism
Riley Taylor Memorial Award
Ringette Club
Riordon Scholarship
Robert and Alyce Martin Scholarship in Journalism
Robert and Doreen Loosmore Fellowships in Public Policy and Administration
Robert Binney Memorial Award
Robert E. Osborne Scholarship in Classical Greek
Robert E. Osborne Scholarship in Religion
Robert Ellsworth Barry Scholarship
Robert Fairweather Bursary for Men’s Varsity Hockey
Robert Garigue Memorial Bursary
Robert J. Backstrom Memorial Bursary in Biology
Robert L. Clarke Graduate Scholarship in Medical Physics
Robert Lemon Rome Prize
Robert M. Hopwood Bursary in Science
Robert McDougall Memorial Scholarship
Robert McKeown Doctoral Scholarship in Communication
Robert Pickard Scholarship in Environmental Engineering
Robert Stoakes Fitness Centre Equipment Fund
Robert Tourangeau Memorial Fund
Robert W. (Bob) Searle Memorial Bursary in Political Science
Robynne Neugebauer Memorial Bursary
Roderick C. McDonald Memorial Scholarship in Engineering
Roderick Rooney Memorial Scholarship
Roger Greenberg Scholarship in Engineering
Roma Marguerite Scott Bursary
Ron Singh Rana and Narinder Parmar Award
Ronald and Deanna Biggs Scholarship
Ronald C. Thompson Memorial Scholarship
Ronald Edwin Hunt Bursary
Rose Maguire Lecture Series
Rosemarie A. Hoey Award in English
Ross A. Eaman Scholarship
Ross Koningstein Graduate Award in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Ross Video Award for Indigenous Students
Rowing Excellence Fund
Roy Brent Norton Graduate Scholarship in Canadian Political History
Roy Buckley Morrison Scholarship
RRRA Executive 30th Anniversary Bursary
Rudelle Hall Memorial Scholarship
Rural and Northern Bursary
Russian Department Scholarship
Ruth Bell Centennial Scholarship Honouring all Members of the Ottawa Club since 1910
Ruth Lifeso Scholarship in Science
Rymes Book Prize
S. F. Wise Graduate Bursary
Sabita and Sethu Raman Graduate Scholarship
Sadie Rutherford and Gratia Gordon Bursary
Salomon (Mundi) Bergstein and Lily Porter Bergstein Memorial Bursary in Jewish Studies
Samuel P. Washington Memorial Bursary
Samuel Sair Prize in Business Ethics
Sandra Bach Memorial Award
Sara Helen Parry Hughes Memorial Scholarship
Sarah Metrick LL.B Scholarship in Introductory Law
Sardar Sohan Singh Rai and Sardar Bhupinder Singh Sekhon Award
Sarojabai Nagpur Memorial Bursary in Human Rights
Sarup & Inderjit Mann Family Lectureship
Satellite Design Capstone Project
Scholars at Risk Fund
Scholarship for Students Studying Statistical Sciences
Scholarship in Comparative Economics
School for Studies in Art and Culture Bursary
School of Business Scholarship
School of Computer Science
School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
School of Industrial Design
School of Industrial Design Faculty & Staff Bursary
School of Journalism & Communication
School of Journalism and Communication– International Internship Program
School of Journalism Class of ’88 Bursary
School of Mathematics and Statistics Entrance Award
School of Mathematics and Statistics Fund
School of Public Policy and Administration
School of Social Work
School of Social Work Bursary
Science Student Success Centre
Scotiabank International Exchange Awards
Scotiabank Scholarship in International Business
Senator Landon Pearson Memorial Fund
Sexual Assault Support Services Fund
Sexuality Studies Minor
SFPE National Capital Region Chapter Scholarship for Fire Safety Engineering
Shannon History Endowment Fund
Shannon Scholarships in Canadian Social History
Sharron E.L. Firth Bursary
Shaw Communications/Don McGillivray Scholarship
Sheila Bird Scholarship in Journalism
Sherine Khalil Memorial Bursary in International Affairs
Shireen Abu Akleh Emerging Reporter Award in Social Justice Journalism
Shirley Greenberg Award
Shirley Judge Bursary
Sigmond Shore Memorial Scholarship in Critical Infrastructure Protection and Security
Simon Guest Memorial Book Prize
Simone Joyaux Memorial Award
Skypoint Capital Scholarship
Social Sciences Graduate Bursary
Social Work Award for Black, Indigenous and Racialized Students
Sociology and Anthropology Award for Black, Indigenous and Racialized Students
Sonja Bata Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Industrial Design
Sonja Bata Memorial Scholarship in Industrial Design
Sons of Maxwell Award
Sonya Reaume Memorial Bursary for Accounting
Sophie de Villers Memorial Scholarship
Spacecraft Design Project
Sparks Family Undergraduate Scholarship in Journalism
Special Bursary for Students in Social Work
SPPA Director’s Fund
Sprott Alumni Scholarship in Entrepreneurship
Sprott Asset Management Scholarship
Sprott Competes Fund
Sprott Dean’s Fund
Sprott Faculty of Business Events
Sprott MBA Games Fund
Sprott School of Business High School Competition
Sprott Shares Fund
Sprott Student Consulting Group Fund
Sprott Student Investment Fund
Sprott Student Networking Fund
Sprott Tax Students’ Association Tax Clinic Fund
Squash League Fund
St. Patrick’s College Scholarship
Stanley Mealing Bursary
Stephen Blais Bursary
Stephen G. Wilson Scholarship in Religion and Public Life
Steve Coughlin Memorial Bursary
Steve MacNab Memorial Award
Stewart G. Paul Memorial Award
Stonecroft Semester Fund
Student Aid Fund
Student Bursary for Kroeger College
Student Philanthropy Council Fund
Student Services Fund
Students as Partners Program (SaPP) Fund
Studio DH Fund
Sumita Dixit Scholarship for Diverse Voices
Support the Bees Fund
Supporting Esports at Carleton Fund
Susan Cardinal Emerging Reporter Fund
Susan Joan Wood Memorial Scholarship
Susan Nesrallah Bursary
Susan Scott Parker Scholarship
Sustainable Energy Systems Portfolio Fund
Sustainable Food Production Fund
Swimming Excellence Fund
Swithun Bowers Memorial Scholarship in Social Work
Syer-Torrance Inspiration Awards
Sylvia Kershman Scholarship for Marketing Creativity
Symposium on Conflict Resolution
Synergy Scholarship in Engineering
Taggart Bursary
Taggart Family Ravens Football Fund
Taking History to the Streets: Capital History Kiosks Fund
Tamarack Homes Awards for Ravens Football Student Athletes
TD Bank Financial Group Higher Education Bursary
Team Room Renovations with Women’s Rugby Fund
Teresa Elizabeth Smith Memorial Bursary
Teresita Gozum Escandor and Jasbir Singh Hanspal Graduate Bursary in Neuroscience
Terry Hargreaves Memorial Scholarship
Terry Lamb Memorial Bursary
The Carter Elwood Memorial Scholarship
The Bachelor of Humanities Student Experience Fund
The Blair Rutherford Student Fund
The Bunt-Hale Bursary
The Colonel John By Award for History
The Colony 12 Bursary for Interactive Multimedia and Design
The Friends of the Pipe Organ Fund
The Geoff Zeiss Fund for Graduate Research in Urban Infrastructure Mapping
The Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA), Ottawa Chapter Scholarship
The J. Carlisle Hanson Awards
The Just One Person Bursary
The Laird Bursary in English
The Laurence Ménard Skora Bursary in Social Work
The Leonard Shifrin and Louise Dulude Canadian Social Policy Emerging Reporter Fund
The M.A. Teall Foundation Bursaries
The Mame Jackson Experiential Learning Fund
The Mitchell Brown Memorial Scholarship
The Old Crow Society Award
The Paul Bregman Family Student Experience Fund
The Peter Mansbridge Emerging Reporter Fund
The Right Honourable Herb Gray Lecture
The Saeed Mehrabi Memorial Award in Computer Science
The Taggart Group of Companies Bursary
Thomas Caulfield Award
Thomas James McCann Bursary for Engineering
Thomas Jeyes Memorial Bursary
Thomas Scholarship
Thomas Sorensen Memorial Scholarship for Students With Disabilities
Tim Garant Memorial Bursary
Tim Ralfe Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Journalism
Tim Ralfe Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship in Journalism
Tom Anzai Memorial Swimming Bursary
Tom Skinner Award in Computer and Systems Engineering
Torrance Family and Friends of Women’s and Gender Studies Research Award
Torrance Graduate Research Award
Torrance Research Scholarship in Geography and Environmental Studies
Tracey and Siva Ananmalay Scholarship in Computer Science
Tradex Management Inc. T.R.G. Fletcher Scholarship
Transnational and Curatorial Studies Fund
Transoft Solutions Bursary
Trauma-informed Journalism Initiative: Interview Simulation Exercise
Travel Bursary for French Studies
Trevor A. Harwood Award
Trivial Pursuit Bursary
Ugandan Asian Archive Fund
Uma and Vinod Kumar Technology/Operations Management Merit Award
Umoja Student Support Fund
Undergraduate Award for Indigenous Students in the School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Underhill Publication Fund
Uniform Development Bursary
Usable Implicit Authentication Fund
V.L. Narayana Rao Memorial Bursary
VANBOTS, a division of Carillion Construction Inc. & Ferguson-Neudorf Glass Scholarship in Recycling
Vanneste-Nolf Scholarship
Varian Graduate Scholarship in Analytical/Environmental Chemistry
VARS (Versatile Assistive Roaming Device) Fund
Vera Klein Entrance Scholarship in Music
Vera Klein Scholarship in Music
Vered Foundation Scholarships
Vernon McCaw Fund for Musical Instrument Maintenance
Vic Mallet Memorial Scholarship in English
Vickers-Verduyn Lecture Series Fund
Victor S. Castledine Scholarship
Vijay and Emi Jog Scholarship
Vinod and Uma Kumar Business Award for International Students from India
Violet McLaughlin Graduate Scholarship
Violet McLaughlin Scholarship
Virginia Bharath Scholarship
Vishnu Mehrotra Scholarship in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Visiting Israeli Scholar’s Travel Fund
Vivian Cummins Award
W. Bryan Baker Memorial Scholarship
W. Irwin Gillespie Graduate Scholarship in Economics
W. P. MacDonald Memorial Scholarship in Accounting
W.E. Cowie Innovation Award
W.H. Collins Memorial Scholarship in Earth Sciences
W.R. Davis Engineering Scholarships
Wallace Clement Graduate Scholarship
Walter A. Ainsworth Bursary
Walter and Dorothy Pychyl Scholarship
Walter Baker Fellowship
Warren Blackwood Memorial Bursary
WatER (Water, Education and Research) Fund
We Are All Musicians (WAAM) Fund
Welch LLP, Bill Irwin Accounting Bursary
Welcome to Canada Bursary
Wellness Desk Fund
Wellness Fund
Wes Weber Scholarship in International Business
Wilfred Peltier Memorial Scholarship
William A. Derby Scholarship
William A. Dymond Memorial Award
William and Ann Merrill Bursary
William and Jeanie Barton Chair in International Affairs
William and Mary Iwasaki Memorial Scholarship
William and Melva Baker Memorial Scholarship
William Barton Award in Arms Control and Disarmament
William Barton Graduate Travel Bursary
William Fraser Bursary for Students with Disabilities
William H. Cook Memorial Scholarship in Science
William J. Dickie Scholarship in Business
William J. Rainbird Engineering Scholarship
William John Stauffer Memorial Bursary in Electrical Engineering
William Morse Lawson Scholarship in Finance
William Tupper Bursary in Earth Sciences
Wilson Architects Scholarships
Women in Computer Science Fund
Women in Engineering & IT (WiE&IT) Program
Women in Management Speakers Series
Women in Sport Fund
Women’s Basketball Excellence Fund
Women’s Curling Competitive Club Fund
Women’s Fastpitch Competitive Club
Women’s Hockey Excellence Fund
Women’s Varsity Rugby Excellence Fund
Women’s Volleyball Competitive Club
Women’s Water Polo Excellence Fund
Word Warrior Society Bursary
World War II RCAF Radar Veterans Scholarship
Wright Family Scholarship in Journalism
Wright Family Scholarship in Music
Wylda Blanche McDermid Holbein Memorial Scholarship
Wyndham Scholarship for Graduate Students in Biology
Y. P. Law (LAW YAN PAK) Memorial Bursary
Yves & Cynthia Bled Future Achievers Scholarships for Women in Engineering
Z. Matthew Stankiewicz Memorial Bursary
Zachary Burgoyne Memorial Scholarship in Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering
Zbigniew A. Jordan Memorial Scholarship
Zeev and Sara Vered Bursary
Ze’ev Schorr Memorial Prize
Zuhair A. Hassan Graduate Scholarship
Zuhair A. Hassan Graduate Scholarship in Ethics & Public Trust