As a FutureFunder champion, this toolkit will help support your crowdfunding efforts for Giving Tuesday on December 3. To elevate donations to your cause, there will be $100,000 in matching incentive funds available through this year’s Giving Tuesday Challenges.

To cultivate donations through your networks, we encourage you to develop a viable fundraising strategy that involves outreach through platforms such as social media, email, and text messaging. To help reach your goals, University Advancement has prepared sample messaging and social media assets below to integrate in your strategy.

Sample Messages for Social Media and Texts:

Leading a successful crowdfunding campaign relies on attracting potential donors who feel inspired to support your cause, and who may even spread the word to others. The below sample messages may be used as a template to encourage your networks to join the Giving Tuesday movement by making a gift, or by participating in our Giving Tuesday Challenges. You can take this one step further by personalizing each message with a note for the individual recipient, and by following up with updates throughout the day like in the example below. We encourage you to get personal in explaining the general purpose of the campaign to include why this initiative is truly meaningful for you, and how it creates a positive impact.

You may also wish to tag University Advancement’s account on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn

General Message:

Today is Giving Tuesday and I hope you will consider a donation to (Name of fund/campaign). I am involved in this initiative as (role, i.e. a student/faculty member/participant/researcher), and all funds raised will help support (general purpose of the campaign). I hope you will join me today in helping to advance this meaningful cause. 

Direct Ask: 

Today is Giving Tuesday, and I am taking part by raising funds for (name of fund/campaign). Will you consider a ($X) donation for this cause? Your support will help (note the general purpose of the fund). I hope you will join me in this global celebration of generosity by making a difference in our community. 

Giving Tuesday Challenges: 

(Note: You may replace the bolded sentence with the Giving Tuesday Challenge you want your networks to participate in.) 

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, and I am raising funds for (name of fund/campaign). You can show your support by participating in Carleton University’s Giving Tuesday Challenges. If you make one of the first three donations at midnight or noon, our initiative will win an additional $2000 in funding. These funds will help us (state what the funds will help your group achieve). Thank you for helping us leverage support for our cause! 


Thanks to our donor community, we are only ($X) away from reaching our fundraising goal. If you have already made a gift, THANK YOU! If you are still considering a donation, we would be so grateful for your support! Every dollar counts in helping us (reiterate what you will be able to do with the funds).

Social Media Assets:

An effective way to spread the word about your cause is by posting about your initiative through social media. To customize your posts with compelling images that best reflect your campaign, you may sign up for a free Canva account and follow the instructions below to add your preferred photo(s) into the templates.

General Giving Tuesday Graphics: Instagram post | Instagram story | Facebook and LinkedIn


  1. Drop your preferred photo onto the canvas
  2. Right click and select replace background. Adjust the placement so that the focal point of the image isn’t hidden behind the black gradient.

Please note that if you don’t see the option to replace background, you likely need to stretch the size of your image to be as wide as the canvas before selecting replace background. 

Giving Tuesday Challenge Graphics: Instagram post | Instagram story | Facebook and LinkedIn


  1. Replace the image: Drop your preferred photo onto the canvas
  2. Right click, select replace background. Adjust the placement so that the focal point of the image isn’t hidden behind the black gradient.

Please note that if you don’t see the option to replace background, you likely need to stretch the size of your image to be as wide as the canvas before selecting replace background. 

  1. Replace the placeholder text with your campaign name.

Please note that if your campaign name takes up more than 2 lines, adjust the font size until it fits on 2 lines. 

Assets through Giving Tuesday Canada:

Giving Tuesday Canada has created a resource hub to support individuals and groups participating in this global day of giving. You may access their logos and graphics library here, along with engaging webinars that provide tips to effectively reach your fundraising goals.