
The Whale Achoo is a 4th year capstone project focused on the long-term preservation of endangered whale species. It gives environmentally focused engineering students the ability to apply what they have learned in school while simultaneously supporting whale health and longevity. Our capstone, developed by 4th year undergraduate engineering students, is a collaboration with Gesundheit drone graduate research team at Carleton’s Multi-Domain Laboratory. This design collaboration contributes to Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan’s goal of marine life preservation.

The Whale Achoo project is designed to simulate whale blows to act as a drone test bed for the Gesundheit drone to practice safely collect biological samples from whales’ blows—the excrement ejected as the whale surfaces and exhales. Whale blow, analogous to a human nasal or throat swab, provides critical information about endangered whale populations. The Whale Achoo system will simulate whale blows from a variety of whale species that will enable the Gesundheit to refine its operations safely away from whale populations.

The Background

Our cause is the preservation and protection of endangered whale species through scientific innovation. By contributing to Whale Achoo, donors will support the development of technology that enables researchers to gather vital data on whale health with minimal disruption to these majestic creatures. With whale populations threatened by climate change, ship traffic, and environmental hazards, now more than ever, we need to understand their health and reproductive success to craft effective conservation policies. Your support will help us empower marine scientists with new tools for non-invasive health monitoring, giving whales a better chance to thrive in our oceans. Additionally, 4th year engineering students will develop real-world engineering skills through the design and roll-out of Whale Achoo.

The Rollout

The funds will be used to support the development of Whale Achoo, to ensure the successful creation of the whale blow simulation system. This includes covering the costs of essential components such as the onboard electrical system, the floatation and housing set up, and equipment needed for the blow itself. These funds will enable us to test and refine the system quickly to ensure that we get a working prototype the first time. By funding these key areas, donors will help bring this innovative tool to life, enabling us to gather critical data that will contribute to whale conservation efforts.

The Impact

The Whale Achoo project provides an opportunity to advance marine wildlife conservation and tackle a unique engineering challenge.  Academically, it allows students to apply theoretical knowledge in a multi-disciplinary application while contributing to Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan.  For the broader community, the project’s impact will extend to environmental protection efforts and enable scientists to better understand whales. You are helping preserve endangered species and fostering human research practices in marine science.

Other Comments

The Whale Achoo project exemplifies the power of student-led innovation in addressing environmental conservation challenges. Our team is passionate about using our engineering skills to make a tangible impact on marine health monitoring and endangered species protection. With your support, we can ensure that this project succeeds and serves as a model for future student-led engineering to tackle global environmental issues.

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