
The Design and Engineering Dungeons and Dragons Club (more commonly known as D-Eng-D) is a club dedicated to teaching design skills to anyone interested on campus through the mediums of set building, miniature making, and modeling. Your donations to this club would go directly towards the purchasing of materials for model making events hosted by D-Eng-D throughout the year.

D-Eng-D welcomes all Carleton students interested in learning a new skill, gaining access to costly materials, preparing for a game, or even those just looking for a fun environment to spend some time.

The Background

Teaching modeling and design skills to any students of Carleton University, while using the products produced to support players of the roleplaying game Dungeons and Dragons.

The Rollout

To purchase modeling materials and supplies such as modeling clay, foam board, modeling rocks and gravel, model foliage, resin, foam, exacto knifes, cutting boards, glue, paint, primer, mica powders, dice molds, and beakers.

The Impact

D-Eng-D has existed on campus for over 7 years, with over 50 attendees across 3 events this year alone. Students can apply the skills they learn in fields of manufacturing, repair and refurbishment, and 3D modeling and design. There is a growing desire from the world at large for 3D simulation and renders that you can learn through D-Eng-D’s workshops and events.

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Donation Total: $25.00