
The Carleton Academic Student Government (CASG) already administers a number of scholarships for students awarded on the basis of community involvement and academic excellence. However, even with 15 scholarships of $600-$1000 being provided, the demand for these scholarships continues to grow. Applications were 4x the number of available scholarships during the 2022-2023 academic year and 6x the number of available scholarships during the 2023-2024 academic year, even with CASG increasing the amount of scholarships on offer

With financial circumstances outside of university becoming more challenging for students to successfully navigate, CASG is looking to Carleton alum for help! We want to help in the mission of fostering ongoing relationships with Carleton alum that encourage acts of giving back to the Carleton community and with supporting academic advancement for the benefit of all Canadians.

CASG actively works to support the academic success and empowerment of students in a number of ways and are looking to help establish university-administered, CASG-supported scholarships that recognize students that do not fall into one of our existing scholarship categories. All Carleton students deserve to receive recognition for their choice to pursue post-secondary education as well as financial support to help them fulfil their hopes and dreams. Funding students empowers the leaders, dreamers and everyday awesome citizens that make our communities as inclusive, welcoming and wonderfully impactful as they are.

The Background

CASG is the heart of academic support and advocacy on Carleton campus. We exist to ensure that every student at Carleton has access to the academic resources and support that they need to succeed. A large component of empowering academic success has been assisting with relieving the financial commitment that University entails. When students have access to the financial support that they need to pay for tuition and books, they are able to lead more empowered lives in their communities both inside and outside of the university campus. With financial empowerment, students can explore a wider range of possibilities, mitigate additional stressors, and have adequate funds to enable a positive and meaningful university experience.

The Rollout

Spearheaded through the Carleton Academic Student Government, funds raised will support an annual award, valued at $1000, to be provided to an undergraduate student in demonstrated financial need who is entering or continuing in any program of study at Carleton University. Preference will be given to students who have been a CASG Leader in Academic Advocacy.

The Impact

Ultimately, CASG exists to support the academic empowerment and excellence of all undergraduate students at Carleton University. Raising additional scholarship funds helps to relieve the financial pressures that students are increasingly facing and rewards students that are doing their absolute best to pursue their hopes and dreams via postsecondary education. University is a significant time investment and CASG is hoping to recognize students for their commitment and dedication as well as ensure that financial barriers do not prevent students from pursuing the degrer and career they want, as well as the extracurricular activities that they would like to be a part of as a means of enhancing their university experience and academic performance.

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