Your search for "geography" returned 25 results
Fund • Awarded annually by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research on the recommendation of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Selection Committee to outstanding Masters students in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. This award is to support field research and/or co [...]
Fund • Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies to undergraduate students enrolled in human geography and environmental studies. The purpose of this bursary is to assist in defraying the costs of academically related travel. Established in [...]
Fund • The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies has three programs of study leading to an undergraduate degree in Geography, Geomatics and Environmental Studies. Students can obtain a B.A. or a BSc. General, Honours, or Combined Honours Degree.
Fund • Established in 1989, the fortieth anniversary of the founding of geography at Carleton, this award is presented annually. Its primary purpose is to assist graduate students in geography undertake research, but it may also be used to assist graduate students in the preparation of manuscripts for publ [...]
Fund • Awarded annually to outstanding students who are entering the M.A./M/Sc. Or Ph.D. program in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Eligible recipients must be Canadian Citizens and be pursuing research in the areas of environmental quality, human-environment interactions, or environ [...]
Fund • Awarded annually, by the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, to students undertaking research in geography. Eligible recipients must be Canadian Citizens or permanent residents of Canada (landed immigrant or a protected person), and must meet the Ontario Residency Requirements set forth by OS [...]
Fund • Awarded annually to the outstanding student entering the final year of Honours Geography at Carleton University. Dr. Wreford Watson, then Chief Geographer of Canada, founded geography at Carleton in 1949. One year later he was joined by Mrs. Watson and together they lectured in geography at Carleton [...]
Fund • Awarded annually by the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies to full-time outstanding students entering a graduate level program with thesis in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Reci [...]
Fund • Two fellowships are awarded annually, one to a graduate student in the Department of Geography and one to a graduate student in the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, and may be held in combination with a teaching or research assistantship. The fellowships were established in 1980 by r [...]
Fund • Awarded annually by the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, to outstanding graduate students in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies with a preference for students studying in the fie [...]
Fund • Awarded annually to the student who has attained the highest standing in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies second year methodology courses. Established in 1994 by members of the Department of Geography. Endowed 2000.
Fund • Awarded annually on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, when merited, to a 3rd or 4th year student in a geography or environmental studies program who is studying in the field of urban studies – particularly as it relates to the quality of urba [...]
Fund • The fellowship was endowed in 1988 by colleagues, friends, and family in memory of Michael Hare, a graduate of the master’s program in geography and former senior proctor in the department. The fellowship is normally awarded annually to a student in the third or subsequent term of a graduate progr [...]
Fund • This award was established in 1981 by family, friends, and colleagues in honour of Neil Huckvale, a former graduate student in the Department of Geography. The recipient will reflect Neil Huckvale’s humanity and philosophy, and will be chosen on the basis of merit and special interest in teaching [...]
Fund • This bursary was endowed in 1992 by colleagues, former students, and friends of Duncan M. Anderson, who was a professor in the Department of Geography from 1964 to 1992. It is awarded annually to a deserving full-time student enrolled in the graduate program in geography who is in need of financial [...]
Fund • This scholarship is awarded annually to a graduate student in geography studying computer-assisted cartography. The scholarship will be awarded, on the recommendation of the Department of Geography, on the basis of academic merit as determined by the academic index used by the Faculty of Graduate St [...]
Fund • Awarded annually by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, on the recommendation of the Chair of Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, to two full-time graduate students in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academ [...]
Fund • Awarded annually by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research on the recommendation of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies selection committee to outstanding PhD students in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. This award is to support field research and/or confer [...]
Fund • […] who demonstrate, good citizenship, good social responsibility and leadership in society. Preference will be given to students in the following three areas in descending order: Public History, Geography and Cognitive Science. Eligible recipients must also demonstrate financial need, be Ca [...]
Fund • Value $2,000. Awarded annually to undergraduate students in demonstrated financial need who are entering or continuing in a program in Geography, Environmental Studies or Environmental Science. Established in 2022, by Daniel Van Vliet BA Hon/97.
Fund • The Doug King Bursary is awarded annually to full-time students in demonstrated financial need who are enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies. Endowed in 2021 by Valerie King in memory of her son. Doug King played many roles at Carleton [...]
Fund • […] containing original commentary and annotations curated by subject experts. The Library is seeking to expand our existing collection of bibliographies to include subject guides for African Studies, Geography, and Social Work, among others. EBOOK PACKAGES: The Library is currently bolsteri [...]
Fund • […] meet OSAP’s Ontario Residency requirements. This will be awarded by the Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies and a selection committee of faculty members. Endowed in 2009 by friends, collea [...]
Fund • Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, to a graduate student who is conducting northern research. Established in 2007 by Thomas L. (Les) White, Ph.D. (Carleton) in Earth Sciences and former Director of the Geotechnical Science Laboratories a [...]
Fund • Awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Chair of the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, to an outstanding full-time student(s) proceeding from third to fourth year of the honours program in Environmental Studies. Recipients must be Canadian Citizens and keenly interested in th [...]
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